
Author Interviews

This page is for all authors either traditionally published or self published.  If  you would like to be interviewed on my blog, copy and paste the questions listed below in an email to me and it will be a first come first serve basis.  You can also attach a picture of yourself and the front cover of your book.  If you have multiple books, I'll be happy to have multiple interviews but they will be spaced further apart and will not be 'back to back'.

These are just my standard questions, if you would like to add/remove a question that is fine with me but please let there at least be 10 questions so my readers can get to know you and your book(s) better. Expand as much as you can on each question and try not to just give yes/no answers because the more the readers know you and your book, the more likely they are to get it!

AW: Tell us about yourself…

AW: What genera do you write and why?

AW: Tell us about your book….

AW: What was your inspiration for this book?

AW: Do you have a favorite character and why that one?

AW: Did you find anything particularly difficult in writing this book?

AW: What project(s) are you currently working on?

AW: Do you have any interesting writing quirks you want to tell us about?

AW: Do you have any advice for writers out there?

AW: Where can we find you? (facebook, twitter, blog, website, etc)

AW: And of course we have to know, where can we find your book? (your website, publisher, amazon, etc)

Now, if some of these questions don't fit you or your book, please feel free to change or add to them.  I will not post anything with profanity or 'adult' content on my blog.  If your book has that in it, just please don't include it in the interview.  Send all interviews and/or questions to and I will let you know the date your interview will be posted on my blog.  Thank you and I can't wait to 'meet' all of you and your books!