Sunday, April 22, 2012

Inteeview of Author Nicholas L. Maze


Writing Innovations Interview Questions

Your interview will be placed on our blog at the above address, and it will also be placed in our digital magazine which is also offered as print through MagCloud. We will let you know when your interview will be in the Magazine.


WI:  When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I have been writing since about the age of 12 and I have always had a great imagination. When I began to write my first book (White Collar Woman), I was at a security job. I had no plans to pursue a writing career, but I wanted to see what I could put on paper. After finishing my story, I received a prophecy from a visiting prophet at our Church. Although I had been writing for years, the prophecy was my confirmation.

WI:  What inspired you to pen this particular novel/book?

I received a prophecy. A prophet visited our Church and told me that he saw me writing books dealing with finance. At the time, I had just completed my previous book (White Collar Woman), which was a romance/fiction. I began to research and was amazed at the information I was coming across and discovering. I knew that majority of Americans did not have this information and felt I had to write this book.

WI:  What road blocks did you come across while writing this story?

The number one culprit is writer’s block. This is common for most writers, if not all. Outside of writer’s block, I would say finding a balance. When I speak of balance, I mean holding a reader’s attention and teaching, at the same time. It is a difficult task. It is rare to find a person buying a book, because they miss going to class. So, I couldn’t give a class assignment. I had to present the book in a way that an 80-year old scholar can read and smile, while a 20-year old waitress can understand and grow. Balance.

WI:  What do you do if a story just doesn't seem to flow the way you were hoping it would?

Normally, I take a break. If things are not blending and there is too much confusion, I have to walk away. If I am questioning whether it is flowing for the reader, I will have people close to me review what I have written and give me their opinion.

WI:  What has been the hardest thing about marketing this story?

The invisible barrier. Most people read for entertainment, so it is difficult to market literature that will help someone versus entertain someone. Most people are hesitant and place more value on entertainment than knowledge.

 WI:  What is one thing you wished you knew before, that you now know about marketing?

Marketing expenses. When you are paying out of pocket, it is better to spend less. The best way to market is through guerilla marketing, not paying some marketing expert or marketing company. In reality, unless you have a name, no one knows you. So if you drove pass a billboard of someone you have never seen before, what draws you in? Instead, use your marketing dollars for fuel and go to local areas to sell and speak about your book. Call local businesses and ask to setup a table and speak to their customers about your latest book.

WI:  What is one piece of advice that you received to help your writing that you still carry with you today?

Build a background. Don’t just write from feeling, but build something to grow from. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, you have to have something to build off of, a foundation. That is why you research in non-fiction or create a bio for a character in fiction. Your foundation.

WI:  Tell us what a day in your writing life is like, do you have any writing quirks?

Once I have a lot of information to put on paper, I limit myself. Instead of putting down everything at once, I save some for the next day. By doing this, I have something to build off of, when I begin to write the next day. This is my way of eliminating writer’s block.

WI:  Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?

Film and television. I am preparing for a future film script. Having the opportunity to see my words come to life would be wonderful. So, I look forward to taking my writing to that next step.

WI:  Are you currently working on any new projects?

My current project is a book that will help restore Churches and restructure ministries. I discovered that Churches have been in need of this literature, for over 100 years, but it has never been written.

WI:  Do you have any upcoming events or special news you would like to share with our readers? (Any contests, giveaways, book signings, upcoming/new releases, or author appearances, please let us know.)

On April 22nd, I have a guest blog for Ashley’s Bookshelf. Also, a great friend of mine has begun hosting her own blog on my site (

WI:  Where can readers find you?


Barnes & Noble:

WI:  Where can your book be purchased?

Barnes & Noble:

We want to thank you for taking time to chat with us today and offering your writing & marketing experiences. We wish you much success in the future.

The Writing Innovations Team


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