
Monday, March 5, 2012

Night of the Cossack by Tom Blubaugh

Book Description:
The author's maternal grandfather died a year before the author, Tom Blubaugh was born. Years later, the author asked family members about his grandfather and they agreed on four facts. Mr. Blubaugh wrote Night of the Cossack based on these four facts. The story is set in Russia and Europe during the early 1900's. The main character, Nathan Hertzfield is a compelling young man and he is faced with many life or death situations and moral dilemmas. Mr. Blubaugh does an excellent job of drawing the reader into the character. The first chapter ends with a cliffhanger and it's off to the races. Join Nathan on his suspenseful and intriguing journey. Try to picture what you would have done facing the same decisions.

My Thoughts:
I completely enjoyed this book. Nathan is a young Jewish man who is abducted and is thrust into manhood. His abductor, a Cossack, trains him to be one. While he has great hunting skills and has mixed emotions about his captor, he is glad his mother and brother are spared. He faces a lot of tough choices and has a hard road to manhood.

Nathan was a wonderful, relateable character. I enjoyed his adventure. I also loved the history mixed into the story, you learn a lot and enjoy it! Oh and the fact that it is a Christian book makes it even better. Nathan's morals were very refreshing and his love of family, just great! Vivid imagery throughout.
I rate this a 5/5. I know young adults will enjoy it but so will adults!
Thank you to the author for the complimentary copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.


  1. Ashley, thank you for this very nice review.


    Tom Blubaugh, Author
    Night of the Cossack

  2. You might like the Paullina Simons ones set in Russia.
