A reckless adventure in a deadly paradise.
Thrill seekers Zakary and Gideon Stark travel the globe in search of extreme adventure, but a trip to Venezuela to jump off the world’s highest falls catapults them into a perilous game of life or death—where they don’t know the rules.
A one-night stand that will change his life forever.
Kidnapped with a woman Zak knows nothing about, the brothers are held prisoner deep in the jungle. A risky, deathdefying escape separates them and nearly claims Zak’s life . . . until his recovery reveals a baffling new sixth sense.
An unexpected diversion with lethal consequences.
Now, to find his missing brother, Zak and the mysterious Acadia Gray will have to out-smart, out-gun, and out-maneuver not just the brutal kidnappers but also a new player who joins the adrenaline game: a ruthless opponent who wants the Stark brothers dead—at any cost.
My Thoughts:
This book was ok. Zak has a death wish, or at least that is what his brother Gideon says. Acadia doesn't care one way or the other as long as her 'one night stand' can get her out of their current situation alive. Waking up to find armed men surrounding her and Zak wasn't exactly how she'd pictured ending her one and only one night stand. Now, she was at the mercy of the kidnappers and hoping Zak and his brother can come up with a way for them to escape before they are all killed!
I had trouble with these characters. Zak, while a hunk and a half, was so stuck on how horrible women are that he can't see past the nose on his face. He didn't love his wife but felt responsible for her death and is now actively trying to kill himself on his and his brother's thrill seeking adventures. Acadia is so safe and of course her one night of 'freedom' leads to horrible things happening, but her lying was what I thought was hard to swallow. Anytime she gets nervous she lies. Anyway, the story line was pretty good and the author does a good job with the chemistry between the characters and I did like Gideon.
I rate this a 3/5. It is an ok read but I would borrow it before buying.
Thank you to Gallery Books for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.