Tracey Warren has everything an eighteen year old girl should. She lives a life of expectancies; go to school, please her parents, party with friends, and revel in life as a young adult. That is until she experiences an unexpected life changing accident caused by Nathan Newcomb; an illegally attractive yet perplexed guy who has her fumbling over her words and cracking her head on the concrete. In being enthralled by his overwhelming existence, Tracey neglects his promise of death (which never falls short of Nathan) and in ignoring his guarantee, she chooses to give into love over sanity and risks her life for the opportunity of being with him.
Nathan, knowing the risks gives into this want to have Tracey presuming it may be better to jeopardize their possible ending, than to allow her to endure the pain of his devoid. Nonetheless, with him being a burdened Sephlem, not only are they burdened by their adversaries who will risk everything but the exposure of their existence to see Nathan fall. But Nathan and Tracey come to find that their most sinister enemies lie under their same roof and regrettably share the same bloodline.
My Thoughts:
I completely got lost in this book. Tracey is a typical high school senior. She and her best friend Glen are planning to go to a big party and both have 'crushes' on guys that goes beyond the norm. Nathan isn't your average guy, but when he runs into Tracey (literally), their lives intertwine and they become pulled to each other. Tracey doesn't understand it but Nathan does and tries to, at least somewhat, avoid it. His family is different and has secrets and if Tracey chooses to be with him, it could absolutely put her life and his in danger.
I really, really liked Tracey and Nathan. The two of them are good together, and even if they have secrets, they do work through their issues. I really had issues with the other couple and Scott's keeping things from his 'mate'. They intrude on Tracey and Nathan more often than not and it just gets completely out of hand! There is romance, action, betrayal, and all sorts of things going on in this book that keep you intrigued. The author did a good job with the characters and making the story flow well. Some times the characters' personalities change a bit, but it doesn't take away from the overall story. I will definitely be reading the next in this series to see what happens to the family.
Solid 4/5 for a mature YA or adult. I wouldn't let younger YA readers read it just yet because of the adult content.
Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book (via PUYB). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.