The 3 winners for the Edge of Sight Giveaway are:
Sheila Deeth, Mary and Maureen. Congratulations!!!
There were 17 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
5. Sheila Deeth
1. Mary
11. Maureen
12. Marianna
2. PoCoKat
6. Benita
9. Loretta Canton
14. Brooke
15. rubynreba
10. Martha Lawson
16. barbjan10
3. Linda Henderson
17. Sarirose
8. Debbie F
7. Cheryl F {The Lucky Ladybug}
13. mbreakfield
4. Pamela Keener
Timestamp: 2010-11-30 17:45:20 UTC
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Montana Glory Giveaway Winners!
Here are the winners of Montana Glory:
elaing8, Maureen, & PoCoKat! Congratulations.
There were 9 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
3. elaing8
9. Maureen
1. PoCoKat
7. Cindy W
5. Linda Henderson
2. rubynreba
4. Sheila Deeth
6. brendajean
8. mbreakfield
Timestamp: 2010-11-30 17:38:16 UTC
elaing8, Maureen, & PoCoKat! Congratulations.
There were 9 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
3. elaing8
9. Maureen
1. PoCoKat
7. Cindy W
5. Linda Henderson
2. rubynreba
4. Sheila Deeth
6. brendajean
8. mbreakfield
Timestamp: 2010-11-30 17:38:16 UTC
Monday, November 29, 2010
Dutchess of Sin Giveaway!

Blonde and beautiful Lady Anna Blacknall is in the mood for mischief. Entering Dublin's most notorious den of vice, she finds herself in the arms of a mysterious, emerald-eyed Irishman. And although he is masked, his tender kiss is hauntingly familiar.
Conlan McTeer, Duke of Adair, has come to Dublin to fight for a free Ireland. But he's suddenly reunited with the young Englishwoman who had once claimed his heart, and his passion turns from politics to pleasure. When their sizzling encounter brings danger to Anna's door, she must decide where her loyalties lie-and quickly. For someone will do whatever it takes to destroy Conlan . . . and anyone he dares to love.
Thanks to Hachette Book Group I have 3 copies to Giveaway!!! Here are the rules.
- You must be a follower to participate
- Leave Me a Comment on THIS post with your e-mail (no e-mail you can't win)
- US & Canadian Residents only
- No PO Boxes
- Hachette Book Group will be sending the copies to the winners
- You have 24 hours to respond if you are contacted as a winner, if you miss the deadline, a new winner will be chosen and contacted.
- Contest is open until December 15, 2010
- Winners will be chosen using a randomizer
- Directly from Hachette: Winners will be subject to the one copy per household rule, which means that if they win the same title in two or more contests, they will receive only one copy of the title (or one set in the case of grouped giveaways) in the mail.
Duchess of Sin by Laurel McKee

Blonde and beautiful Lady Anna Blacknall is in the mood for mischief. Entering Dublin's most notorious den of vice, she finds herself in the arms of a mysterious, emerald-eyed Irishman. And although he is masked, his tender kiss is hauntingly familiar.
Conlan McTeer, Duke of Adair, has come to Dublin to fight for a free Ireland. But he's suddenly reunited with the young Englishwoman who had once claimed his heart, and his passion turns from politics to pleasure. When their sizzling encounter brings danger to Anna's door, she must decide where her loyalties lie-and quickly. For someone will do whatever it takes to destroy Conlan . . . and anyone he dares to love.
My Thoughts:
This was a fun read. Anna is a Lady who is completely mischevious. She loves getting into trouble but for propriety sake has to seem like a 'good girl'. Conlan is every woman's dream. He is fighting for Ireland, but when he runs into Anna again, all bets are off! A hot and steamy relationship starts and danger is right in the middle of it.
I am in love with Conlan! He is so HOT :) Anna is so different from what she has to pretend to be that it is comical. The romance is hot and spicy. The action is thrilling and the characters are just wonderful.
This book was a 4/5. It is a fun, quick read.
Thank you to Hachette for the review copy of this book. I recieved this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Jury (Sisterhood Book 4) by Fern Michaels

The women of the Sisterhood know life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean they have to like it--or let it pass. Instead, these best friends share their joys, troubles, triumphs, heartaches, and one collective mission: to right wrongs and bring justice where it is desperately needed. Even reeling from loss of one of their own, the Sisterhood is always prepared to rally behind a new friend. For years, Paula Woodley has suffered the broken bones and shattered self-esteem caused by an abusive marriage. But what can she do? Her high-profile, Washington powerbroker husband is not a man to be crossed. Or so he thinks. The Sisterhood may not be an organization found in any of his memos, but he's about to take a meeting with them--and they'll be setting the agenda.
My Thoughts:
I am loving this series! It is Nikki's turn for revenge and she is having problems coming to terms with what she believes the sisterhood expects her to do. She is given a reprieve from having them come down on her when a lawyer in her office crosses the line and the clients are horrible. Then Paula Woodley showed up and needed the sisters' help and how could they turn her away? It didn't matter that his best friend was the President of the United States or that he had personal problem for the sisters!
I very much enjoyed the further development of characters. I am sooo loving the sisterhood, and each of the characters is wonderful. The focus on Nikki this time was so interesting. She has a lawyer's mind but so many emotional struggles in her personal life. I absolutely LOVED the revenge portion of the book. Not to mention how each of the sisters, Charles, and so many of the other wonderful characters fit into it.
4/5 this book is a wonderful addition to the series and I very much enjoyed reading it. Great for a mildly suspenseful wonderfully fun read!
Recipes for a Beautiful Life by Julie Keye and Madaline Hall

Calling upon verses and Psalms from the Bible, these inspirational messages are framed by breathtaking color photography of nature's splendor, including sun-drenched deserts, white-capped mountains, and people of all ages and ethnicities. A charming addition to these messages is a sumptuous array of natural recipes for the enhancement of a woman's beauty and relaxation, more » using simple ingredients found in one's home. A life open to God and filled with the beauty around you, sharing it with those you love, and finding time to relax so that you can be the best you can be: these are the "Recipes for a Beautiful Life".
My Thoughts:
This was a pretty good book. It has beautiful pictures, very wise verses. Sometimes it didn't seem the verses went with the picture exactly, but it was very warming and helpful. I enjoyed the recipes in the second section, all natural! The moisturizers and masks look wonderful and I am going to try them soon!
I rate it a 4/5. This book is a great gift book that every Christian woman would like.
Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Rescuer by Dee Henderson

Stephen O'Malley is a paramedic who has been rescuing people all his life. But he's running now -- from the burden of his profession, from the grief of losing his sister, and from a God he doesn't want to trust. He's run into a mystery. Stolen jewels are turning up in unexpected places, and his friend Meghan is caught in the middle of the trouble. Stephen's about to run more into a night he will never forget: a kidnapping, a tornado, and a race to rescue the woman he loves ...
My Thoughts:
This is a wonderful ending to a great series. I absolutely loved this book. Stephen has 'run' from his family, his hurt, and God. His family pulls him back, even when he isn't' ready and he comes back to a 'new' life. Meghan is an old friend with a new issue. She is a loving woman that Stephen wants to rescue and together they have to solve a mystery about stolen jewelry. The closer they get to an answer the more dangerous it becomes and Stephen has to realize he can't rescue everyone, especially when he needs the biggest rescue of all! I have loved Stephen all through the series and this book only made him better. He is loving, kind, loyal, and all the characteristics a woman loves....good looking!!! Meghan is a wonderful character. She has recently lost her sight and is coping very well with God's help. This book shows the plan of salvation clearly and how much we need God, even when we don't want to admit it! The mystery is great, suspense plentiful, and twists surprising!
5/5. This whole series is on my keeper shelf and I am going to read them many more times!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Testimony by Anita Shreve

A sex scandal at a New England boarding school unleashes a storm of shame and recrimination throughout the small community. A chorus of voices--those of the men, women, and teenagers involved--details the events of that night and their aftermath.Writing with a pace and intensity surpassing even her own greatest work, Anita Shreve brings us a gripping emotional drama with the impact of a thriller. No one more compellinglyexplores the impulses that drive ordinary people into intolerable dilemmas, or the ways in which lives can be derailed or destroyed in one foolish moment.
My Thoughts:
I honestly didn't care for this book that much. It starts with a very graphic first chapter....three boys and a girl. It tells of parties in an elitist school where the students are hand picked but that doesn't make it 'perfect'. The parties have drugs, sex, alcohol and scandal erupts.
This story is told from several view points and the author did that well....that is about the best thing I can say for it. I don't generally get uncomfortable at all with a sex scene or two but the first chapter in this book managed to make me completely uncomfortable. It does show that actions have consequences and far reaching ones at that but some of it seemed a bit much. I didn't connect much at all with the characters so that could be part of my issue, but I read this book in one setting and cannot say that I would recommend it to anyone I know.
I rate it a 2/5. If you can get past the first chapter it gets better, but it takes a bit.
Thank you to the publisher for providing the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Guest Blogger Betty Collier

An editor for a magazine in which I ran an ad to promote my book, Living Inside The Testimony, asked me to come up with “A HOOK” that she could use as the headline for the ad. She said it needed to be something “catchy” that would peak the curiosity of radio and TV producers. This is what I came up with:
• I Became an Author Overnight, and I Remember the Exact Night it Happened
• How to Become a Best Selling Author Overnight
• When You Live Inside a Testimony, You Can’t See It
• Why Read a Book Written by Someone Who Never Wanted to Write One?
• Is it Luck or is it all Part of THE MASTER’S Plan?
• Is Your Life Part of a Master Plan?
She considered all these suggestions, but after she read the book for herself, this is the headline she created and used for the ad:
Marrying Your High School Sweetheart is Great: Until Your Kids are in High School
Don’t Miss this Woman’s Fun Advice About Life
Having said all this, my point is simply that the book takes on so many different faces. It was written to be inspirational and encouraging, but it offers much more than that. It’s hard to categorize it only in the inspirational genre because it has so many other facets that are neatly tied together to flow very smoothly. The editor said she was definitely inspired, but felt the main thing I had been missing in my promotions was to stress the humorous side of the book also. She thought it was very funny, but also full of life, love, and faith. It has enough variety to appeal to the general population, whether you share my faith or not.
I never considered myself an author, and if you had asked me prior to January, 2009 if I would ever write a book, my answer would have immediately and adamantly been "absolutely not!" Perhaps my honesty will make you wonder if the book is even worth reading, but I can assure you...I am an author. I became one overnight, and in fact, I remember the exact night it happened. It was after midnight when January 9th turned into January 10th, the night I dreamed about this book. I am confident that if you allow me to share my journey with you, you will understand perfectly, but only if you have the faith to believe. I wrote this book based on faith, well aware that not everyone would share my faith. If you read the book, you will see that my journey has been inspired by faith, hope, humor, romance, and alot of love. As one reader told me, "It's like being on a roller coaster. I didn't know what to expect next. I was laughing on one page and crying on the next...This book is a masterpiece!"
Also I would like to mention what has resulted because of the ad I ran in the magazine. I guess the “hook” worked because the president of an internet radio station has asked me to host a new talk show. Beginning November 15, I will debut as the host of “Living Inside The Testimony with Betty Collier” on You will be able to listen or play on demand and download the shows at any time beginning November 15.
Here is a sneak peak at the show’s description: ABOUT THE SHOW: “Get ready to remember this name: LIVING INSIDE THE TESTIMONY. Your life is never going to be the same. Host Betty Collier and her guests live each and every day inside the testimony. They will help you discover the inspiration that lies within all of us and prepare you to share it with others. Hear incredible stories of faith, hope, humor, romance and love, offering a source of inspiration and encouragement. Join Betty on this truly incredible journey of faith as if you, too, have been touched by an angel.”
Also, I would like to offer a complimentary copy of my book to one of your readers. I will send a free book and tote bag to the first person who leaves a comment to say that they read this post on your blog. Please clickon my facebook page, and leave a comment. The first person to do so will receive a free book and tote bag.
For more information about my book, please visit
Thank you very much for allowing me to guest blog on your site and thank you to all the readers who took time to read it.
• I Became an Author Overnight, and I Remember the Exact Night it Happened
• How to Become a Best Selling Author Overnight
• When You Live Inside a Testimony, You Can’t See It
• Why Read a Book Written by Someone Who Never Wanted to Write One?
• Is it Luck or is it all Part of THE MASTER’S Plan?
• Is Your Life Part of a Master Plan?
She considered all these suggestions, but after she read the book for herself, this is the headline she created and used for the ad:
Marrying Your High School Sweetheart is Great: Until Your Kids are in High School
Don’t Miss this Woman’s Fun Advice About Life
Having said all this, my point is simply that the book takes on so many different faces. It was written to be inspirational and encouraging, but it offers much more than that. It’s hard to categorize it only in the inspirational genre because it has so many other facets that are neatly tied together to flow very smoothly. The editor said she was definitely inspired, but felt the main thing I had been missing in my promotions was to stress the humorous side of the book also. She thought it was very funny, but also full of life, love, and faith. It has enough variety to appeal to the general population, whether you share my faith or not.
I never considered myself an author, and if you had asked me prior to January, 2009 if I would ever write a book, my answer would have immediately and adamantly been "absolutely not!" Perhaps my honesty will make you wonder if the book is even worth reading, but I can assure you...I am an author. I became one overnight, and in fact, I remember the exact night it happened. It was after midnight when January 9th turned into January 10th, the night I dreamed about this book. I am confident that if you allow me to share my journey with you, you will understand perfectly, but only if you have the faith to believe. I wrote this book based on faith, well aware that not everyone would share my faith. If you read the book, you will see that my journey has been inspired by faith, hope, humor, romance, and alot of love. As one reader told me, "It's like being on a roller coaster. I didn't know what to expect next. I was laughing on one page and crying on the next...This book is a masterpiece!"
Also I would like to mention what has resulted because of the ad I ran in the magazine. I guess the “hook” worked because the president of an internet radio station has asked me to host a new talk show. Beginning November 15, I will debut as the host of “Living Inside The Testimony with Betty Collier” on You will be able to listen or play on demand and download the shows at any time beginning November 15.

Also, I would like to offer a complimentary copy of my book to one of your readers. I will send a free book and tote bag to the first person who leaves a comment to say that they read this post on your blog. Please click
For more information about my book, please visit
Thank you very much for allowing me to guest blog on your site and thank you to all the readers who took time to read it.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Guest Blog Kristin Roisin

I was asked a rather interesting question not too long ago. It's one that lurks around, in the alleyways of my brain, popping up at the most unusual times. It's a question, that even in it's utterly harmless way, has consumed a great deal of my own brain power, to figure it out.
"How do you come up with your original names?"
This isn't something I'd ever thought about before. The names I've given characters, or places... They've just always, well, been. Or have they? These names had to come from somewhere, right? I mean, I wasn't born with them, lingering in my head. So, where did Desta Rayne, or Morrigan Rosen, or the Village of Tealsyleene come from?
Sometimes, it was an idea. Like Desta. Logan needed a soulmate. Someone destiny had ordained just for him. Hmm.. Destiny. That's pretty.... But kind of cheesy. And obvious... So... I tweaked it. And Desta was born.
Sometimes, a lot of work goes into a name. Like Morrigan. Inherently Irish. Heart of gold. Rough, thorny exterior. Very much like a rose. Skip to a page filled with Irish and Gaelic names. Fast forward 18 letters, and Rosen was penned. (Of course, after some tweaking. Haha)
And believe it or not, sometimes, a name is born, out of nothing more, and a typo. My husband and I used to roleplay. Online, in chats and forums. A sort of updated, electronic version of Dungeons and Dragons. And he'd made ONE mention of a town name he'd heard. I liked it, but didn't give it much thought until I was ready to create Desta. A couple of years later. In her backstory, I needed a place of origin. "What was the name of that place?" "Shoot.... what was it!?"
Tealsyleene. "Aah, It's close enough."
Imagine my surprise, when my husband smirked, in that way he does, that tells me, "I'd laugh, but I know you hate being laughed at."
"Is that supposed to be Tearsylene?"
"Shut up."
"It's okay. I actually like Tealsyleene better. Very nice."
Sometimes... typos aren't such a bad thing, huh?
Serenity approached the front door to the loft. She was determinedto fix the mess that had become her life. If it was the last thing she did,Serenity vowed to keep her marriage together. She would just have tosomehow convince Logan that he wasn’t as pivotal or vital in theother’s lives as they all believed.
Perhaps she could convince him to move her to Venice. He wouldhave er to focus on then. She would think on that later. For now, shewould focus her efforts on making everything in the loft appear normal.As she started to enter the code into the keypad, she her the doorclick open. Preparing herself, she took in a deep breath, andstraightened her dress, hoping to keep Logan off his guard.
As the door opened, the sweet smile Serenity displayed faded, as shegazed upon the petite, but fierce red-head. “Let me in. I want to seeLogan.” She said, stepping forward to push herself past Morrigan.Morrigan braced herself in the doorway, allowing Serenity to walkinto her arm. “Aye. I’m afraid that’s no’ possible.” Morrigan said.
“Don’t play Logan’s strong arm with me. This is my home, now letme pass!” Serenity yelled.
“Morrigan squared her shoulders. “And don’t you go playin’ at theLady of the Manor, with me.” Morrigan retorted. “…for you are neithera resident…nor a lady.”
Serenity huffed. “Just let me in so I can speak to Logan.”
“I can’t. He’s not here.” Morrigan said with a look of mock distress.“And, I’m afraid he won’t be returnin’.”
“So, as ya can see,” Morrigan continued. “There’s really nothin’ leftfer ya here.”
“I don’t believe you.” Serenity said with a touch of indignity in hervoice. “I’m not leaving.”
“Well,” Morrigan said, mocking Serenity’s tone. “You don’t have achoice.” Morrigan reached behind the wall, and dragged a large metaltrash bin towards the door. “Ya see, I’m here ta take out the trash.”Serenity gasped, seeing the container filled with her clothing andpersonal belongings. “You wouldn’t dare!” Serenity yelled, steppingaway from the door. ‘You have no right to throw my things away, youIrish toad!”
Morrigan began to laugh, listening to Serenity’s rant. With only ashrug, she pulled the trashcan out through the front door.
“I swear Morrigan,” Serenity continued. “If you ruin a single thing,you’ll regret it, you bit…”
Serenity stopped with a gasp as she watched Morrigan lift a smallbook of matches from the pile, and with a single stroke, light the match,and toss it into the metal can. Almost instantly, the contents becameengulfed in flames. Serenity could barely contain herself.
“NO!! My things! Oh my God, what have you done!?” Serenityranted.
Morrigan laughed, as Serenity paced frantically back and forth,mumbling to herself. As the fire burned on, Serenity grew moreenraged, and after several moments of indecisiveness, Serenity ran off,leaving Morrigan alone in her amusement.

The epic journey of one woman's search for identity, belonging, and love.When Desta awakens each evening, all she knows is that unquenchable hunger, and a familiar pair of gray eyes. Aside from that, she doesn't remember anything... yet. It doesn't take long, before she finds herself thrust into the adventure of a lifetime (or several, as the case may be) as she dodges danger, experiences heartbreak, and ultimately, discovers herself, and true love. About Kristin: A very happily married, stay at home mother, raising two little boys. Kristin has been writing since junior high, loving all forms of the written word, including poetry, short stories, scripts and even music, but only in the last 6 or 7 years, has had the inspiration, and support, to actually have her works published.And now, that dream is coming true! With a wonderful team at PublishAmerica, to help Kristin realize this dream, and with the love and support of friends and family, she knows that this book can only do great things.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Haunted Echoes by Julie Ann Howell

Sarah Reddington traveled to far-away Maine to escape the chaos of the windy city. She wanted to concentrate on completing her novel and enjoy the peaceful quiet of the Atlantic's craggy shore. Although she was the only registered guest staying in an elegant, but quaint Victorian Inn, subsequent events quickly placed her writing on hold. The haunting cries that echoed around her made her question not only her own mortality, but made it difficult for her to decipher between fiction and insanity. This is an old-fashioned ghost story through-and-through that will keep you guessing until the last written word.
My Thoughts:
Creepy!!! Wow, a very chilling book. Sarah is trying to get away so she can finish her second novel. Her publisher 'sends' her to Otter Cove Inn to relax and unblock her writer's block. The only thing is the house is haunted...and Sarah is the only guest! There is an old man, a little girl, a police officer, and freaky phone calls that may or may not be real. The house is messing with Sarah's sanity so much she can't tell reality from fiction or if she is just going crazy!
This book gave me chills! Sarah is a former reporter turned writer so she is naturally curious which I totally relate to. The terrors she faces will freeze your blood. She is warned about the dangers but by the time she realizes there is danger, she is already sucked into the mystery and craziness of the 'haunting'. Her dog is written well and may have been my favorite character in the book. All the characters are good, but the story pulls you along with Sarah's journey and they just help in giving it more credence.
4/5. This book will keep your attention and keep you up all night!
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Winners!! Safe Haven (audio) by Nicholas Sparks
And the 3 winners for this giveaway are:
Julie, Barb V., and windycindy....I will now send the email!
List Randomizer
There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
15. Julie
12. Barb V.
16. windycindy
13. Chelle
10. Debbie F.
11. SimplyStacie
19. rubynreba
9. Benita
14. Ola
7. bunkercomplex
8. heatherzilla
1. PoCoKat
4. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}
18. Charayah
17. sunshine9
5. Autumn
6. Kendra
3. Karen
2. Teresa
Timestamp: 2010-11-17 15:09:19 UTC
Julie, Barb V., and windycindy....I will now send the email!
List Randomizer
There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
15. Julie
12. Barb V.
16. windycindy
13. Chelle
10. Debbie F.
11. SimplyStacie
19. rubynreba
9. Benita
14. Ola
7. bunkercomplex
8. heatherzilla
1. PoCoKat
4. Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}
18. Charayah
17. sunshine9
5. Autumn
6. Kendra
3. Karen
2. Teresa
Timestamp: 2010-11-17 15:09:19 UTC
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Flaming Dove by Daniel Arenson

Book Description:
Outcast from Hell. Banished from Heaven. Lost on Earth.
The battle of Armageddon was finally fought... and ended with no clear victor. Upon the mountain, the armies of Hell and Heaven beat each other into a bloody, uneasy standstill, leaving the Earth in ruins. Armageddon should have ended with Heaven winning, ushering in an era of peace. That's what the prophecies said. Instead, the two armies--one of angels, one of demons--hunker down in the scorched planet, lick their wounds, and gear up for a prolonged war with no end in sight.
In this chaos of warring armies and ruined landscapes, Laila doesn't want to take sides. Her mother was an angel, her father a demon; she is outcast from both camps. And yet both armies need her, for with her mixed blood, Laila can become the ultimate spy... or ultimate soldier. As the armies of Heaven and Hell pursue her, Laila's only war is within her heart--a struggle between her demonic and heavenly blood.
My Thoughts:
I very much enjoyed this book. It is set 27 years after the battle of Armageddon and neither side has won the war for Earth. Laila is an enigma, an original. She is half demon and half angel, so she belongs with neither heaven nor hell. Both sides actively recruit her, but all she wants is a place to call home. Michael the archangel is in charge of heaven’s forces on earth and Beelzebub is now the ruler of hell and its armies. Laila is who each believes can win the war for them. She loves the demon but is loyal to her sister, an angel…
The author did a great job with originality here. I like that this story used a fictional version of an event I believe to be prophesied (though not anywhere close to how I expect it to happen). I was surprised that he used so many actual biblical names and terms but it just worked. Also, it wasn’t just a ‘fluff’ book, it was meant to make you think and it does. Laila is an outcast and he wrote her wonderfully, she was a great character. You feel her heartache and pain. Bat El, her sister, is also one of my favorites in the book, but I must say that I did like her wolf, Volkfair, the best! Great character development, wonderful imagery, and just great imagination. Just as an aside I absolutely LOVE the cover art for the book as well!
This was an engaging read. 4/5 if you are into fantasy you will enjoy this book. If you are into actual biblical fiction, I doubt very seriously you will like it.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Guest Blogger Debbi Mack author of Identity Crisis

Question 15: Who do you look to for inspiration (writing or otherwise)?
First, I'd like to take a moment to thank Ashley Wintters for hosting me here on Ashley's Bookshelf. I really appreciate your interest and support. Now, onto the question of where I get inspiration.
I find sources of inspiration in many walks of life. Not only do I take inspiration from other writers (check the post answering Question 12 about the books and other works that have inspired me and influenced my work), but I get inspiration from people who aren't even famous for being fiction authors.
For me, inspiration comes from the people who do the seemingly insurmountable. People like Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, the Dalai Lama, Susan B. Anthony and Gloria Steinem. These are people who made a difference in a HUGE way. They actually effected change by insisting it was possible. They didn't let little discouragements like people telling them they couldn't do it get in the way.
I also take inspiration from creative people in endeavors other than writing. People like Marie Curie (scientific research requires creative approaches to work), Courtney Love (her absolute refusal to stop creating music, despite all the setbacks has been nothing less than completely heartening) and Albert Einstein (now, here's a man who created nothing less than a revolution in scientific thinking – and what was he doing at the time? working as a clerk in the patent office, previously having been dismissed as a child as being possibly retarded).
In addition, I take inspiration from the people who won't be compromised. The people who live life completely on their own terms and succeed. People like Hunter S. Thompson (the King of Gonzo journalism), Harlan Ellison (who has the temerity to insist that writers be PAID and won't suck up to people simply to get ahead), Patrick McGoohan (the creator of the highly experimental show The Prisoner, which tells you everything you need to know about the man) and Sue Grafton (she absolutely refuses to allow Hollywood to take her Kinsey Millhone series and, in her opinion, ruin it – she could make a boatload of money off it, but she chooses not to – not that I'm worried about her starving anytime soon LOL).
I also take great inspiration from the risk-takers and pioneers. People like Sir Edmund Hillary (try climbing Everest yourself and see if that wasn't hard), Dian Fossey (how many women would be willing to live in the jungle to study gorillas?), Jane Goodall (ditto, except with respect to chimpanzees), Greg Mortenson (just read the book THREE CUPS OF TEA and you'll know what I mean) and Charles Darwin (talk about a man who took risks – this man challenged our cherished assumptions about being God's special creations – can you imagine the risks he ran by doing so? – the earliest version of the Tea Partiers surely must have had it in for him).
Oh, yeah. And since I've been dealing with a disability (dystonia in my left hand and foot, caused by a stroke – it's a long story) for nearly six years, I take inspiration from anyone similarly situated who succeeds. I could give you a long list of names of people who've made a difference. Unfortunately, you won't recognize most of them. But know that anyone who deals with disability in any form and manages to achieve great goals has nothing but my total respect.
You want me to name a few? Okay, I'll give you the ones you may recognize. Diane Rehm (who works in radio and suffers spasmodic dysphonia – a form of dystonia that affects the vocal chords), Martha Grimes (an author with the same disability), Billy McLaughlin (a guitarist who developed dystonia in his playing hand and learned to play with his other – nothing less than amazing in my book), Leon Fleisher (a pianist who also developed dystonia in one hand and learned to play with his good one!), Scott Adams (the Dilbert cartoonist who also developed dystonia in his hand), Lauren Chiten (a dystonia sufferer who created a documentary about dystonia called Twisted), everyone who appeared in Twisted – and those are just the people I know about with dystonia. The people who absolutely refuse to quit because of disability. The ones who absolutely refuse to be defined by their limitations. The ones who succeed despite all the odds and obstacles against them.
And, yes, this would most definitely include Helen Keller. (That blind, deaf over-achieving b*tch! LOL Hey, I'm kidding, I'm kidding ... sorta :)).
Finally, the big award for inspiration has to go to my parents. I'm not just being sentimental when I say that each of them has been unafraid to face life's challenges head on. They have each in their own way refused to be anything other than what they are. They each taught me the importance of this little thing called "integrity." They each in their own way contributed toward my wanting to become a writer. They each instilled in me the importance of never giving up. They also insisted that I was capable of being anything I wanted to be.
I've always wanted to be a writer. Well, mom and dad, you've inspired me to make good on that. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so inspiring and believing in me.
* * * * *

Thanks for reading, everyone! Don't forget to leave a comment with your email address if you'd like to enter the drawing for the 10 autographed copies of IDENTITY CRISIS I'm giving away. (One entry per person, but comment as often as you like.)
The drawing will be held on my blog My Life on the Mid-List after the tour is finished. Check my blog for the entire tour schedule.
And please join me at my next stop tomorrow: Readaholic
* * * * *

Debbi Mack is the author of IDENTITY CRISIS, a hardboiled mystery and the first in a series featuring lawyer Stephanie Ann "Sam" McRae. She's also a short story writer whose ebook anthology, FIVE UNEASY PIECES, includes the Derringer-nominated "The Right to Remain Silent," originally published in The Back Alley Webzine. Debbi's work has also appeared in two of the CHESAPEAKE CRIMES anthologies.
Be on the lookout for her next Sam McRae novel, LEAST WANTED, which will be published soon (in print and ebook versions).

You can find out more about Debbi on her Web site and her blog My Life on the Mid-List. Her books are available on Amazon,, Smashwords and other sites around the Web, as well by order at stores. You can also buy autographed copies of her novel from her Web site.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Identity Crisis by Debbi Mack

IDENTITY CRISIS by Debbi Mack: Lawyers generally start out at a disadvantage as protagonists because not everyone holds their profession in high regard. Female lawyers like Samantha 'Sam? McRae are placed at a further disadvantage when, early on, they hop into bed with a married man as an antidote for months of abstinence. Her personal characteristics notwithstanding, Sam has a problem - a missing female client who may or may not be involved with a complex case of murder and identity theft that involves strips clubs, the Mob, and the FBI. Set in and around Baltimore, the well written story deserves a heroine who can get the job done out of bed rather than cluttering up the script with her personal needs. False identities can hide dark secrets, and those secrets can destroy lives. So can thoughtless actions.
My Thoughts:
I liked this book! Sam is an attorney and is met at her office one morning by a police officer and FBI agent who are enquiring about a client of hers. Sam makes some enquires about her client and finds that the client is missing. Not to mention that Sam isn't the only one looking for her, there is the mob, an unidentified man, the FBI and her employer! Sam's client is thought to have murdered her boyfriend, committed identity theft and who knows what else. The question is will the good guys find her first or the bad???
Sam is a spunky lady, who is fiercely loyal. She is the attorney to a woman who is thought to have murdered her boyfriend and been at the least involved in identity theft. Sam's first thought isn't 'how do I get out of this mess of a client' but 'how do I help her'....I loved that. Her methods are a bit unconventional and the supporting characters make this a good read. You can feel Sam's conflict about sleeping with a married man, and sometimes you want to smack her but that's what makes the book so good!
This book is a 4/5. I enjoyed the read and will definitely look for more from this author!
This book is a 4/5. I enjoyed the read and will definitely look for more from this author!
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Guest Blogger Julie Wise author of Dream Bigger: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease
Captivating Dreams
by Julie Wise, Life and Relationship Coach and Author of Dream Bigger: Reclaiming A Life of Joy and Ease (available online at Amazon)
Are you a dream, or a doer? Dreamers take a bad rap in our society and are often seen as hopeless romantics with their heads in the clouds and no grasp of reality. Doers, on the other hand, are praised as people who make things happen.
Is it possible to be both? I believe so.
People I interviewed for my new book, Dream Bigger: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease, are dreamers who have made their dreams a reality. Just like you and me, they were simply living their lives when inspiration hit. In one case, an American woman was driving down the road listening to a radio interview. The story she heard moved her to tears, and into action. She embarked on a journey with her daughter that led across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa where they met with seniors raising their orphaned grandchildren whose parents had died of AIDS. In spite of having no international experience (and still meeting the demands of a full-time job), this woman is now the volunteer executive director for a growing organization that supports three communities in Uganda.
Dreams are like that. They capture our attention and won’t let go until we take steps toward them. They also aren’t daunted by age, background, experience, education, or financial resources.
Of course, we all have lots of reasons why we can’t possibly follow our dreams – no time, no money, too many family responsibilities, job demands and so on. The biggest obstacle is usually fear. What would happen if you followed your dream?
More importantly, what will happen if you don’t? Have you ever considered the price of not listening to your heart?
I certainly paid that price at one point in my life. By setting my dreams aside, I closed off a piece of myself. Something vital was lost and, over time, I became angry, frustrated and miserable. I blamed it on stress at work or at home, but the real cause was inside me. I had to hit bottom, experiencing a lengthy illness, divorce, nearly running out of money and becoming isolated from friends and family before I finally got the message.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. So if you’re not enjoying your life right now, it’s time to make some changes. For starters, check out the “Dream Bigger Reinvention Challenge” at and find out how people across North America are reinventing themselves and their lives. Get inspired and then take one step toward your dream today! Captivating Dreams
by Julie Wise, Life and Relationship Coach and Author of Dream Bigger: Reclaiming A Life of Joy and Ease (available online at Amazon)
Are you a dream, or a doer? Dreamers take a bad rap in our society and are often seen as hopeless romantics with their heads in the clouds and no grasp of reality. Doers, on the other hand, are praised as people who make things happen.
Is it possible to be both? I believe so.
People I interviewed for my new book, Dream Bigger: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease, are dreamers who have made their dreams a reality. Just like you and me, they were simply living their lives when inspiration hit. In one case, an American woman was driving down the road listening to a radio interview. The story she heard moved her to tears, and into action. She embarked on a journey with her daughter that led across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa where they met with seniors raising their orphaned grandchildren whose parents had died of AIDS. In spite of having no international experience (and still meeting the demands of a full-time job), this woman is now the volunteer executive director for a growing organization that supports three communities in Uganda.
Dreams are like that. They capture our attention and won’t let go until we take steps toward them. They also aren’t daunted by age, background, experience, education, or financial resources.
Of course, we all have lots of reasons why we can’t possibly follow our dreams – no time, no money, too many family responsibilities, job demands and so on. The biggest obstacle is usually fear. What would happen if you followed your dream?
More importantly, what will happen if you don’t? Have you ever considered the price of not listening to your heart?
I certainly paid that price at one point in my life. By setting my dreams aside, I closed off a piece of myself. Something vital was lost and, over time, I became angry, frustrated and miserable. I blamed it on stress at work or at home, but the real cause was inside me. I had to hit bottom, experiencing a lengthy illness, divorce, nearly running out of money and becoming isolated from friends and family before I finally got the message.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. So if you’re not enjoying your life right now, it’s time to make some changes. For starters, check out the “Dream Bigger Reinvention Challenge” at and find out how people across North America are reinventing themselves and their lives. Get inspired and then take one step toward your dream today!
by Julie Wise, Life and Relationship Coach and Author of Dream Bigger: Reclaiming A Life of Joy and Ease (available online at Amazon)
Are you a dream, or a doer? Dreamers take a bad rap in our society and are often seen as hopeless romantics with their heads in the clouds and no grasp of reality. Doers, on the other hand, are praised as people who make things happen.
Is it possible to be both? I believe so.
People I interviewed for my new book, Dream Bigger: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease, are dreamers who have made their dreams a reality. Just like you and me, they were simply living their lives when inspiration hit. In one case, an American woman was driving down the road listening to a radio interview. The story she heard moved her to tears, and into action. She embarked on a journey with her daughter that led across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa where they met with seniors raising their orphaned grandchildren whose parents had died of AIDS. In spite of having no international experience (and still meeting the demands of a full-time job), this woman is now the volunteer executive director for a growing organization that supports three communities in Uganda.
Dreams are like that. They capture our attention and won’t let go until we take steps toward them. They also aren’t daunted by age, background, experience, education, or financial resources.
Of course, we all have lots of reasons why we can’t possibly follow our dreams – no time, no money, too many family responsibilities, job demands and so on. The biggest obstacle is usually fear. What would happen if you followed your dream?
More importantly, what will happen if you don’t? Have you ever considered the price of not listening to your heart?
I certainly paid that price at one point in my life. By setting my dreams aside, I closed off a piece of myself. Something vital was lost and, over time, I became angry, frustrated and miserable. I blamed it on stress at work or at home, but the real cause was inside me. I had to hit bottom, experiencing a lengthy illness, divorce, nearly running out of money and becoming isolated from friends and family before I finally got the message.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. So if you’re not enjoying your life right now, it’s time to make some changes. For starters, check out the “Dream Bigger Reinvention Challenge” at and find out how people across North America are reinventing themselves and their lives. Get inspired and then take one step toward your dream today! Captivating Dreams
by Julie Wise, Life and Relationship Coach and Author of Dream Bigger: Reclaiming A Life of Joy and Ease (available online at Amazon)
Are you a dream, or a doer? Dreamers take a bad rap in our society and are often seen as hopeless romantics with their heads in the clouds and no grasp of reality. Doers, on the other hand, are praised as people who make things happen.
Is it possible to be both? I believe so.
People I interviewed for my new book, Dream Bigger: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease, are dreamers who have made their dreams a reality. Just like you and me, they were simply living their lives when inspiration hit. In one case, an American woman was driving down the road listening to a radio interview. The story she heard moved her to tears, and into action. She embarked on a journey with her daughter that led across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa where they met with seniors raising their orphaned grandchildren whose parents had died of AIDS. In spite of having no international experience (and still meeting the demands of a full-time job), this woman is now the volunteer executive director for a growing organization that supports three communities in Uganda.
Dreams are like that. They capture our attention and won’t let go until we take steps toward them. They also aren’t daunted by age, background, experience, education, or financial resources.
Of course, we all have lots of reasons why we can’t possibly follow our dreams – no time, no money, too many family responsibilities, job demands and so on. The biggest obstacle is usually fear. What would happen if you followed your dream?
More importantly, what will happen if you don’t? Have you ever considered the price of not listening to your heart?
I certainly paid that price at one point in my life. By setting my dreams aside, I closed off a piece of myself. Something vital was lost and, over time, I became angry, frustrated and miserable. I blamed it on stress at work or at home, but the real cause was inside me. I had to hit bottom, experiencing a lengthy illness, divorce, nearly running out of money and becoming isolated from friends and family before I finally got the message.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. So if you’re not enjoying your life right now, it’s time to make some changes. For starters, check out the “Dream Bigger Reinvention Challenge” at and find out how people across North America are reinventing themselves and their lives. Get inspired and then take one step toward your dream today!
Publisher: iUniverse
I believe life is meant to be enjoyed. I love to work with people, listen to their stories, and learn from their experiences.
My training is in Organizational and Relationship Systems Coaching through the Centre for Right Relationship. I am currently completing a Certificate in Conflict Management and Mediation from Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo, Ontario, and I have also completed a one-year healership mentoring program in Advanced Energy Healing and Awareness. I am a Celtic Reiki Master as well.
In addition to managing my practice as a life consultant and relationship coach, I volunteer as a mediator at Community Justice Initiatives.
When I'm not busy with clients, you might find me dancing flamenco… or wandering a beach somewhere in the world, with the wind in my face and the sun on my back!
Synopsis: When life's challenges get you down, and you feel like giving up on your heartfelt desires, it's not time to quit. It's time to dream even bigger! This book is filled with inspiring true stories, simple tools and exercises, and plenty of motivation. Learn how to re-chart your course and bring more joy and ease into your life as you pursue your dreams.
Most people have a dream. For some, it’s something they’ve wanted since childhood but have
never told a soul. For others, it may be something they tried once, and it didn’t work out so they gave up on it. Perhaps you have a dream that you keep dismissing because it seems risky or impractical. Our dreams make difficult times more bearable. They also bring joy into our lives, and inspire those around us. However, it takes more than a good imagination to make those dreams come true. It’s also about taking action and staying motivated. First, you need a clear idea of what you want. If you’re not sure, spend some time remembering your childhood and what you imagined you’d do with your life. The seeds to your dream are often found there. Once you know what your dream is, get to know it in detail. What does it feel like to be there? Who are you with, how are you dressed, what’s happening around you? Get familiar with it so that it’s easy to connect to that feeling whenever you need motivation. What’s stopping you from having that in your life right now? Make a list of any challenges or obstacles. The list is intended to give you ideas for actions, not to discourage you from moving forward, so don’t get too bogged down by it. Now take a look at the items on your list. What skills and resources do you have to meet those challenges? Who else can you call on for additional assistance? Talk to supportive friends and family members about your dream and see what ideas they have to help you move forward.
Take all of these ideas and resources and put them together into an action plan. This is a list of the steps you can take to make your dream a reality. Every day, check your list and pick one action you can take. Each time you take a step, celebrate, knowing that you’re that much closer to the life of your dreams.
Five Steps to Your Dream
1. Identify your dream
2. Make a list of your challenges
3. Develop a list of skills and resources
to meet those challenges
4. Create an action plan
5. Take one action each day toward
the life of your dreams
Wise's goal is to help 100,000 people dream bigger. To do this, and to celebrate the release of Dream BIGGER: Reclaiming a Life of Joy and Ease, she invites the public to share their life dream in an online challenge. The 60-day "Dream BIGGER Reinvention Challenge" runs from October 1 to November 29, 2010 and offers contestants the chance to post a video about their dream, get votes and become eligible for an amazing grand prize. "By sharing our dreams, we'll inspire each other to ever greater heights," she explains. Go to and enter today!
Amazon Link:
(Book Blog)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My New Book!!!! Shadows of Suspicion!
Ok I don't usually post personal stuff but here it second book is now in print and I'm sooooooo excited! Here is a little bit about it, let me know what you think!
Shadows of Suspicion!
Revenge is the agenda…
"Find my sister.”
Rick Reiley's words were what drove Luke to search mercilessly for Kerry. He is in a race against time to find her and will have to face more than a criminal mastermind to get close to her. He is prepared to give his life for her, but what about his heart?
"…I would like you to meet….My wife.”
Those words from her enigmatic rescuer threw Kerry more than anything else that had happened to her in the last few days…and that was saying a lot! Kerry's simple life is turned upside down when she is kidnapped and dragged to the middle of nowhere by a madman. She trusts Luke with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?
As Luke fights to keep Kerry safe, the chemistry ignites and the danger gets closer.
Will God protect them while Luke tries to sort out his heart….and capture Kerry's?
It is avaliable only from the publisher at the moment AuthorHouse

Revenge is the agenda…
"Find my sister.”
Rick Reiley's words were what drove Luke to search mercilessly for Kerry. He is in a race against time to find her and will have to face more than a criminal mastermind to get close to her. He is prepared to give his life for her, but what about his heart?
"…I would like you to meet….My wife.”
Those words from her enigmatic rescuer threw Kerry more than anything else that had happened to her in the last few days…and that was saying a lot! Kerry's simple life is turned upside down when she is kidnapped and dragged to the middle of nowhere by a madman. She trusts Luke with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?
As Luke fights to keep Kerry safe, the chemistry ignites and the danger gets closer.
Will God protect them while Luke tries to sort out his heart….and capture Kerry's?
It is avaliable only from the publisher at the moment AuthorHouse
Monday, November 8, 2010
Montana Glory Giveaway!

The last thing in the world Zane McCord wants is a wife. But after returning home to the family ranch in Montana to help his cousins search for the lost treasure that is their legacy, Zane can't help notice that love and marriage seem to be contagious. Both his cousins have succumbed, but he refuses. Determined to stay a bachelor till he dies, Zane wants to devote his time to filming documentaries and taking care of the ranch...and then Riley Mason walks into his life.The last thing on Riley Mason's mind is romance. Sent to the McCord ranch to save the family's accounting problems, she only wants to impress her firm in Helena and be on her way. Life as a single mother isn't easy and she needs to impress her bosses for a raise. But when Zane McCord opens the door, her breath catches in her throat and a desire she's never experienced before takes over her. When the McCords insist that she and her daughter, Summer stay at the ranch, she's forced to give in and before long, she's pulled into their search for the long lost treasure. But she absolutely draws the line at getting involved with Zane McCord, playboy and heartbreaker extraordinaire. But as they all get closer to finding Coot's lost treasure, a dangerous series of accidents target Riley and her daughter Summer. Can Zane keep her safe while trying to win her heart?
Thanks to Hachette Book Group I have 3 copies to Giveaway!!! Here are the rules.
- You must be a follower to participate
- Leave Me a Comment on THIS post with your e-mail (no e-mail you can't win)
- US & Canadian Residents only
- No PO Boxes
- Hachette Book Group will be sending the copies to the winners
- You have 24 hours to respond if you are contacted as a winner, if you miss the deadline, a new winner will be chosen and contacted.
- Contest is open until November 25, 2010
- Winners will be chosen using a randomizer
- Directly from Hachette: Winners will be subject to the one copy per household rule, which means that if they win the same title in two or more contests, they will receive only one copy of the title (or one set in the case of grouped giveaways) in the mail.
Montana Glory by R.C. Ryan

The last thing in the world Zane McCord wants is a wife. But after returning home to the family ranch in Montana to help his cousins search for the lost treasure that is their legacy, Zane can't help notice that love and marriage seem to be contagious. Both his cousins have succumbed, but he refuses. Determined to stay a bachelor till he dies, Zane wants to devote his time to filming documentaries and taking care of the ranch...and then Riley Mason walks into his life.
The last thing on Riley Mason's mind is romance. Sent to the McCord ranch to save the family's accounting problems, she only wants to impress her firm in Helena and be on her way. Life as a single mother isn't easy and she needs to impress her bosses for a raise. But when Zane McCord opens the door, her breath catches in her throat and a desire she's never experienced before takes over her. When the McCords insist that she and her daughter, Summer stay at the ranch, she's forced to give in and before long, she's pulled into their search for the long lost treasure. But she absolutely draws the line at getting involved with Zane McCord, playboy and heartbreaker extraordinaire.
But as they all get closer to finding Coot's lost treasure, a dangerous series of accidents target Riley and her daughter Summer. Can Zane keep her safe while trying to win her heart?
My Thoughts:
I really liked this book! Zane is a McCord and is a cowboy through and through. Reiley is a woman who is smart, beautiful, protective of her child, and makes Zane wish he was the 'marrying' type. Reiley is hired on to work on the McCord ranch as an accountant and is immediately attracted to Zane. Zane feels the same but neither of them want a relationship. Zane is head over heels for Summer, Reiley's daughter, and when some strange accidents start happening, he has to keep both of them safe. He just can't guarantee to keep his heart that way!
I liked Zane's character immediately. He is just such a COWBOY :) The author did a good job with the emotions with story, you could feel Zane's heartbreak at having to leave the ranch and feel his love for Jimmy and the rest of his family. Reiley's protectiveness of her child was extremely endearing but also somewhat didn't fit with her allowing other people to take and do things with her child. Summer was too precious. I'm a sucker for a smart child that is passionate about horses! I wish I'd read the other books in this series before reading this one so I had the background on the other couples but I really didn't feel I was missing anything without that knowledge.
This book was a 4/5. It was a good, quick read. Perfect with hot chocolate :) Probably would be better if you read it third in the series.
Thank you to hachette for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Bookshelf Cleaning Party Winners!!!!
Option 1: And the Winner is PoCoKat!!! Congratulations!
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
3. PoCoKat
4. Kulsuma
1. Linda Henderson
5. Karen
2. rubynreba
6. Cindy W.
7. Cheryl F.
Timestamp: 2010-11-08 17:01:55 UTC
Option 2: And the Winner is.....Linda Henderson!!! Congrats!!!
List Randomizer
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
2. Linda Henderson
5. Kulsuma
4. PoCoKat
6. Karen
3. The Happy Booker
1. Mona
7. Cindy W.
Timestamp: 2010-11-08 17:06:06 UTC
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
3. PoCoKat
4. Kulsuma
1. Linda Henderson
5. Karen
2. rubynreba
6. Cindy W.
7. Cheryl F.
Timestamp: 2010-11-08 17:01:55 UTC
Option 2: And the Winner is.....Linda Henderson!!! Congrats!!!
List Randomizer
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
2. Linda Henderson
5. Kulsuma
4. PoCoKat
6. Karen
3. The Happy Booker
1. Mona
7. Cindy W.
Timestamp: 2010-11-08 17:06:06 UTC
Friday, November 5, 2010
Bookshelf Cleaning Party!!!! Giveaway!

I have 2 options for you to sign up for:
Option 1: ARCs

Once Wicked Always Dead by T.Marie Benchley
The Recessionistas by Alexandra Lebenthal
Option 2: Audiobooks

The Postcard Killers by James Patterson
Don't Blink By James Patterson
The Rules:
You have to be a follower to sign up
- You have to be a follower to win!
- When you sign up be sure to leave your e-mail you can't win!
- Leave the comment saying which option you are signing up for....or if for both!
- A Randomizer will chose the winner
- Check out the other blogs on the hop!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Velocity by Alan Jacobson

FBI profiler Karen Vail returns in Velocity, national bestselling author Alan Jacobson's most explosive thriller to date. Vail's boyfriend, Detective Robby Hernandez, has seemingly disappeared into the dense air of a Napa Valley evening. There are no clues to his whereabouts, other than a blood stain -- and potential connections to a serial killer operating in the wine country.
Despite using all means at her disposal to find out what happened to Robby, Vail's efforts are thwarted until her colleague, Detective Paul Bledsoe, hooks her up with Hector DeSantos, a covert Defense Department operative who has a knack for finding difficult to locate information. But DeSantos is an unwilling partner, and other than offering superficial cooperation to pay back the debt he owes Bledsoe, he is reluctant to work his valuable informants for what he views as Vail's personal crusade to find her lover.
That is, until Vail pries loose long-buried secrets, lies, and deceptions on the part of her own task force members. It's information that even DeSantos can't ignore, a discovery of great magnitude that reveals larger forces at play -- forces which propel Vail and DeSantos into a frantic search that takes them from the wineries of Napa Valley to the monuments of Washington, D.C., the wealthy beach enclaves of San Diego, and the bright excesses of Las Vegas.
My Thoughts:
I completely enjoyed this book! It apparently starts out where the previous book in the series leaves off. Karen Vail is part of a task force that found and arrested a serial killer. One on the team tried to kill the murderer and was killed in the process. Karen's boyfriend, Robby, has gone missing and the serial killer informs them there is more to 'this' than they can imagine. And man is he right!
Wow, this book starts with intensity and keeps it the whole way through! I was a little annoyed at first to start reading basically in the middle of an on-going story, but the author never lets you feel like you are missing anything. The background you need is given and the novel stands well alone.
I loved how real all the characters are. Karen's fear, stubborness, obnioxiousness, and guilt drive her to be a crazy but wonderful character. I think every member of the task force is great. Brix, Mann, Dixon--all wonderful support for Karen Vail. My favorite character though was DeSantos. I just loved his personality. There are twists and turns through the whole book and it doesn't quite turn out how you expect it to!
5/5! This book was a great read and I plan to go buy the previous books in the series! I do have to caution that this isn't a 'clean' book, it has language, violence and other things like this so if you aren't comfortable with that, this book isn't for you.
Thank you to FSB associates for the review copy of this book. I recieved this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
A Season of Seduction Giveaway Winners!
And the Winners are:
Benita, Brooke and Linda Henderson!!! Congratulations! I will now send the winners an e-mail and they have 24 hours to respond. If the winner(s) fail to respond in that time period, another winner will be chosen.
There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1.19. benita
2.14. Brooke
3.2. Linda Henderson
4.16. heatherzilla
5.6. Loretta Canton
6.11. Maureen
7.4. babyfro
8.10. Charlotte K.
9.1. PoCoKat
10.15. Victoria
11.18. chantel
12.8. Cheryl F{The Lucky Ladybug}
13.9. Judy H.
14.7. Cindy W.
15.3. marian
16.5. elaing8
17.13. Kendra
18.17. swedish
19.12. Kim
Timestamp: 2010-11-04 14:18:36 UTC
Benita, Brooke and Linda Henderson!!! Congratulations! I will now send the winners an e-mail and they have 24 hours to respond. If the winner(s) fail to respond in that time period, another winner will be chosen.
There were 19 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1.19. benita
2.14. Brooke
3.2. Linda Henderson
4.16. heatherzilla
5.6. Loretta Canton
6.11. Maureen
7.4. babyfro
8.10. Charlotte K.
9.1. PoCoKat
10.15. Victoria
11.18. chantel
12.8. Cheryl F{The Lucky Ladybug}
13.9. Judy H.
14.7. Cindy W.
15.3. marian
16.5. elaing8
17.13. Kendra
18.17. swedish
19.12. Kim
Timestamp: 2010-11-04 14:18:36 UTC
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dante's Journey by JC Marino

A flash of light and Detective Joe Dante steps through. No longer on the cobblestone streets of 1961 Boston, Joe finds himself in a horrifying new world-Hell itself. Joe was in hot pursuit of his family's killer, drug lord Filippo Argenti, when both were killed, and isn't about to let a little thing like death slow him down. So, with a healthy dose of New England stubbornness and the help of a mysterious guide, Virgil DiMini, Joe must evade angry demons, and search ever-lower through the rings of the original Dante's Inferno in hopes of finding justice for his wife and children. However, Joe will soon discover that behind every sin lies a secret and each secret revealed could land Joe in an eternity of hot water... VERY hot.
My Thoughts:
I very much enjoyed this book! It is based on Dante's the Inferno but is a wonderful new story! Joe Dante is a 1960s cop who is after the man who murdered his family. When he wakes up in Hell, he believes neither that he is dead nor that he is in hell but Virgil leads him through the layers. He meets people, helps them, and does battle along the way as he seeks revenge on Argenti and goes through the levels (or layers) of hell he is changed...
I liked the fact the author didn't make this a doom and gloom book, there is quite a bit of humor! Joe is completely focused on finding the man responsible for his family's murder and it is almost to the point of obsession (ok so it is to that point) but that is what makes it so good. His passion! I also liked that he didn't just reuse the exact same characters as the original book, when they were used, they were 'modernized'. It does make you think and reflect, with some religious aspects, but there isn't anything preachy about the book, it just 'tells it like it is'. Also, I like that it isn't just a straight forward Hell and nothing else, it flashes back frequently to his life. The imagery in the book is incredible and you can easily see what is going on!
Dante's Journey is a 5/5. I enjoyed it greatly the reinvention of an old classic and it's going to be reread by me soon!
Thank you to the author/publisher for providing the review copy. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Edge of Sight by Roxanne St. Claire Giveaway!!!!

The killer she can't escape . . .
The heartbreak she can't forget . . .
The one man who can stop them both.
When Samantha Fairchild witnesses a murder in the wine cellar of the restaurant where she works, the Harvard-bound law student becomes the next target of a professional assassin. Desperate for protection the authorities won't provide, Sam seeks help from Vivi Angelino, an investigative reporter who recruits her brother, Zach, to protect Samantha. A Special Forces vet with the scars to prove he's equally fearless and flawed, Zach takes the job, despite the fact that he and Sam once shared a lusty interlude that ended when he left for war and disappeared from her life. Now, as they crack a conspiracy that leads to Boston's darkest corners, Sam and Zach must face their fears, desires, and doubts, before a hired killer gets a second shot...
Thanks to Hachette Book Group I have 3 copies to Giveaway!!! Here are the rules.
- You must be a follower to participate
- Leave Me a Comment on THIS post with your e-mail (no e-mail you can't win)
- US & Canadian Residents only
- No PO Boxes
- Hachette Book Group will be sending the copies to the winners
- You have 24 hours to respond if you are contacted as a winner, if you miss the deadline, a new winner will be chosen and contacted.
- Contest is open until November 25, 2010
- Winners will be chosen using a randomizer
- Directly from Hachette: Winners will be subject to the one copy per household rule, which means that if they win the same title in two or more contests, they will receive only one copy of the title (or one set in the case of grouped giveaways) in the mail.
Edge of Sight by Roxanne St. Claire

The killer she can't escape . . .
The heartbreak she can't forget . . .
The one man who can stop them both.
When Samantha Fairchild witnesses a murder in the wine cellar of the restaurant where she works, the Harvard-bound law student becomes the next target of a professional assassin. Desperate for protection the authorities won't provide, Sam seeks help from Vivi Angelino, an investigative reporter who recruits her brother, Zach, to protect Samantha. A Special Forces vet with the scars to prove he's equally fearless and flawed, Zach takes the job, despite the fact that he and Sam once shared a lusty interlude that ended when he left for war and disappeared from her life. Now, as they crack a conspiracy that leads to Boston's darkest corners, Sam and Zach must face their fears, desires, and doubts, before a hired killer gets a second shot...
My Thoughts:
I liked this book! Sam witnesses a murder at work, and her face gets caught on tape by the assassin. She goes to her friend Vivi to get help only to run into old flame, Zach, Vivi's twin. Zach takes on the job of guarding Sam against his better judgement and now they have a race against time to find the assassin and who hired him before they find Sam. Sam and Zach have the support and backing of his family but have to go up against the police, assassin, mafia and crazed truckers to find the truth!
The characters in this book were great! I liked all of them, especially Vivi, she is the mastermind behind most of the 'schemes' and is just a wonderful person. The sparks between Zach and Sam are so hot and the chemistry is so intense that you can almost feel it! I like that Zach has physical flaws that are realistic as are the reasons he feels he isn't good enough for Sam. His physical flaw doesn't make me happy, but it does make him more believable instead of the main character always being 'drop dead gorgeous'! It was a good book to read to just relax and enjoy.
This is a 4/5...good read and I can't wait for the rest of the series!
Thank you to Hachette for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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