For Bryanna, a witch from the Asheville Coven, magic is on the fritz. Shunned by her coven and her boyfriend Layton for her unruly magic, she seeks a new life for herself. It just so happens, fate steps in and brings her to Strange Hollow--a place where being different is not only acceptable, but encouraged.
When Bryanna arrives in Strange Hollow, Zeke, a demon gone good, is burning with Hell’s fire over her. Not only has she set his world ablaze, but he’s found one soul he can save. He’s determined to free her from the insecurities that have damaged her soul.
Together they experience lava-hot passion as they weave their way through a tornado of emotions. But when Layton returns for her, will Zeke’s attempts to break the unworthy cage woven around her be enough to keep her in Strange Hollow forever?
My Thoughts:
This was a pretty good book. A quick read at around 60 pages but interesting. Bryanna is a confused witch. Her magic doesn't work right, her boyfriend is a jerk and she isn't sure of anything other than she wants to be anywhere but where she was! Along the 'escape' she meets Zeke, a demon, and is taken to Strange Hollow...where she feels free to be herself, but is that enough?
I enjoyed the town of 'misfits' that was Strange Hollow. I liked how the author described each one as different but not flawed. Bryanna was a good character, but I must say that Zeke was my favorite. A demon trying to be good? That was an interesting twist!
I rate this a 3/5. It was entertaining and I enjoyed it but I wanted more characters development. Disclaimer for my readers, this book has sex and 'language'.
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest opinion and the opinion stated above is 100% more.
Thank you for the review! ;-)