Do you believe that God not only loves you, but that he also likes you? It's just one of the soul-searching questions posed by bestselling author Brennan Manning who confesses he has been 'John the beloved, Peter the coward, and Thomas the doubter all before the waitress brought the check.' The NIV Ragamuffin Bible offers a collection of Manning's raw, painfully honest, yet grace-filled devotions, meditations, and reflections of his journey limping back to---like the prodigal son---his overjoyed father. When you journey through this Bible, you will likewise find yourself returning to your Heavenly Father, basking in the knowledge that God not only loves you, he delights in you. Features: * Complete text of the world's most popular modern-English Bible, the NIV* 104 Devotions guide you into a deeper connection to God and his Word * 250 Reflections help you understand what it means to be a child of God* 150 Quotes offer short but thoughtful insights into God's kingdom.
My Thoughts:
While reading through this Bible, I really liked the quotes/reflections/stories that went with the verses. Some are uplifting, some make you think, and all are well placed in the Bible. The verses themselves are easy to read and have the same basic meaning as the verses I learned growing up, just with different wording. So overall, I thought the Bible was a good and uplifting version. My only complaint with it it that Song of Solomon was entitled Song of Songs. I dislike the changing of Book names in the Bible. I agree that it is a book of songs but changing the title was just too far for me.
I rate this a 3/5. I would recommend several other Bibles to others before this one.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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