Hi everyone! My name is Emilyann and I am the Author of The Labyrinth Wall. What else? I’m a creative soul. Sometimes that takes the form of visual art and other times writing. There are two main things to know about me: I hope to share a love for God and others in all I do. I believe that imagination sparks beauty in the soul.
AW: What genera do you write and why?
I write Young Adult Fantasy. My love for fantasy runs back into my toddler years starting with Disney fairytales, through my elementary years when my brother was teaching me to play Magic the Gathering, and my high school years when I discovered works by Terry Brooks (my favorite book ever is The Elf Queen of Shannara). I’d say all of those wonderfully imaginative exposures made me want to imagine for myself. So now, imaging and creating are things I have to do, like breathing. And I love to create, because it’s fun J
AW: Tell us about your book….
My book is called The Labyrinth Wall. It’s filled with magic and danger like flesh eating Mahk and trust issues and self-discovery…
Araina’s isolated teenage life is forever altered when she witnesses a man emerge through a rippling wall into the dark labyrinth she calls home. As a result of the stranger’s arrival, Araina’s Creators have unleashed a series of magical attacks using the labyrinth against its inhabitants. Now Araina must decide if she will trust potentially deceitful allies in order to reach safety on the other side of the labyrinth wall.
Readers have said...
"A fascinating tale of adventure, danger and self discovery. You will not want to put this one down as you are drawn into the quest for something as unknown and distant as a reoccurring, puzzling and incomprehensible dream."
"A fascinating tale of adventure, danger and self discovery. You will not want to put this one down as you are drawn into the quest for something as unknown and distant as a reoccurring, puzzling and incomprehensible dream."
AW: What was your inspiration for this book?
The concept was originally sparked by my interest in Dante’s Inferno but set in a Lord of the Rings like fantasy world… but it evolved. I began to think about the characters in this world and thought “what if I explore a character that never had a childhood because they are actually a creation? So as a writer I am forced into a very strange perspective of someone learning to understand themselves and others for the first time?” And of course, where better to explore all of this than in a labyrinth, a place that holds so much mystery and possibility?
AW: Do you have a favorite character and why that one?
The protagonist, Araina, is easy for me to relate to. She has trust issues, and I’ve been there before. Also, in writing her character, I enjoyed exploring her lack of context and back story… basically a lack of belonging and no memories. For me she’s interesting to follow because I often struggle with memories and if I’m not careful to watch my attitude, a sense of not belonging can creep over me too.
As much as I do root for and like the protagonist in this book, I really enjoyed a couple of her enemies too. It’s probably not a good sign for me to like villains, but I sometimes do. In particular, I like Rase, because she’s stuck with Araina, but they are opposites and drive each other crazy. But also mysterious and surprising draw me in, and she has those qualities. Also Sir Riddles is terrible. I’d never want to meet him in real life, and yet he is a favorite too. He’s just cryptic, creepy and odd; the kind of character I can’t ever stop thinking about.
AW: Did you find anything particularly difficult in writing this book?
Sure. I’ve read before that endings are the toughest part to write, and I agree. Especially for the first book in a series, it was tough to decide where to leave things. But, after a round of feedback from my editor, it worked itself out and man… I was really happy with the ending. So far readers are as well. And the good news is, I already have the first draft of the sequel done as wellJ
AW: What project(s) are you currently working on?
I’m working on the sequel. I just completed the first draft during NaNoWriMo and plan to put it away so I can come back with fresh eyes in a couple months. There are other projects as well, but nothing I’m ready to talk about yet ;)
AW: Do you have any interesting writing quirks you want to tell us about?
Oh boy, I always write on a couch or in bed. I’m just that lazy I suppose. Any time I write, I turn on Pandora and listen to one of these stations: Harry Potter Soundtracks, Lord of the Rings Soundtracks, Danny Elfman, or Enya. Music most certainly triggers creativity.
On a side note, I asked my husband this question (curious if he’d noticed odd habits) and he replied that I don’t sleep. He’s right! When I’m done outlining and planning, and I actually jump into writing… it’s hard for me to stop. I can’t remember if it was two or three weeks it took me to write the first draft of my first novel (between working part-time). But, nothing beats that high of being in the zone, right?
AW: Do you have any advice for writers out there?
It always feels odd giving advice, because I’m still learning and always will be. But I can promise that if you write because you love to and it means something to your personal journey, than it will always bring you happiness. On the flip side of advice giving, I’ll pose a request for advice. When someone figures out how to balance a day job, writing novels, and a social life, please do pass along how it’s done ;p
AW: Where can we find you? (facebook, twitter, blog, website, etc)
Well, my mind is always off in some other world. But I do wander back to stay in touch with buddies via my website and some social media outlets. They are as follows:
AW: And of course we have to know, where can we find your book?
The Labyrinth Wall:www.thelabyrinthwall.com
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Available on Amazon, January 2nd, 2014
(Free download dates 1/2/14 – 1/6/14)
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Available on Amazon, January 2nd, 2014
(Free download dates 1/2/14 – 1/6/14)
My goodness, I though I commented on this already. Thank you so much for interviewing me. I really enjoyed these questions :) Hope your new year is off to a great start.