It is 1704 when Genevieve Gaillain and her sister board a French ship headed for the Louisiana colony as mail-order brides. Both have promised to marry one of the rough-and-tumble Canadian men in this New World in order to escape religious persecution in the Old World. Genevieve knows life won’t be easy, but at least here she can establish a home and family without fear of beheading. But when she falls in love with Tristan Lanier, an expatriate cartographer whose courageous stand for fair treatment of native peoples has made him decidedly unpopular in the young colony, Genevieve realizes that even in this land of liberty one is not guaranteed peace. And a secret she harbors could mean the undoing of the colony itself.
My Thoughts:
This was a good historical romance. Genevieve and her sister have to leave France. They get on a ship going to the 'new world' as mail-order brides. Once they get there, the only interesting man to Genevieve is Tristan, who has vowed to never love again. The more time he spends with Genevieve the more he may change but she carries a secret that could change everything.
I liked the history in this book, but I also liked that it wasn't the ONLY thing. There was history, romance, and suspense. I wasn't a big fan of all the names to keep straight, but with some effort I didn't get too confused. I liked the story line and it flowed well. There were plenty of secondary characters to add depth to the story and really it was a good one. I am ready for the next in this series because I want to know more about Genevieve and Tristan.
I rate this one a 4/5. It was more than just historical romance, it has some suspense woven in.
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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