Monday, April 9, 2018

The Unwanteds Island of Shipwrecks by Lisa McMann

Island of Shipwrecks (Unwanteds #5)Book Description:
Alex and his friends from Artimé are stranded on a newly discovered island after barely surviving a storm that destroys their ship. And it turns out they’re not alone…

Back in Quill, Aaron’s power base grows as he aligns himself with an unlikely ally. Together, the two enact a drastic, risky plan to finally conquer Artimé—a plan that could ultimately leave everyone in both Artimé and Quill in far more danger than Aaron realizes.

My Thoughts:
We are completely enjoying watching the problems this wonderful cast of characters has to deal with.  Just when they think they have things going their way, something else is tossed at them.  I was glad to see Alex and his friends have to face some issues without reassurance from Simba.  

I laughed, cried and yelled at this book (glad it is for the kids huh!?!).  Loved the new  and hope they are in the next book or two.  There is a lot of growth for these characters through the books and I guess I hadn't realized it until this book was ending.  They are growing up and becoming the protectors that Mr. Today had envisioned them being.  They just had to do it faster than he had ever imagined. I'm still not certain if I feel bad for Aaron or completely despise him.  He has done wretched things but Alex seems to still hold out hope for him so I guess I will as well.
It was a 5/5 for us again.  Truly love this author's writing style and story telling ability!


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