They failed. They have been taken by P.A.G.E. again and this time Stan and Martha are prepared for them. They’ve made it impossible to escape. They have no choice but to stay in line and behave.
New friendships are made, relationships are put to the test and answers about their abilities are revealed.
Is it possible that they can still take down P.A.G.E. but this time trying from within?
Or will the choices they make endanger the future they were tasked with protecting?
Only time will tell. Unfortunately, it might mean having to give up everything for the chance of ending this once and for all.
My Thoughts:
I couldn't wait for this book to come out. The group has been taken by PAGE again and not given the same treatment they were the first time. The friendships are there, and the relationships but there are new people involved. Stan and Martha are there but so are soldiers that think they are serving their country. Not to mention some people some of them hoped to never see again!
I was torn in this book. I was thrilled to see the couple back together and with their friends. I was scared for the ones that weren't present and what was going to happen/happening with them. The element of the new friends and enemies was good and I was surprised by a couple of the twists. Overall I was thrilled with the way the story line went. I wanted some things to happen that didn't and didn't want some things to happen that did, but the author really did a great job with this series.
I rate this a 5/5. You need to read the whole Taken series so this one makes sense but it completes the trilogy perfectly.
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book (via My Reading Addiction). I received this boo in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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