The 2012 phenomenon that's going viral around the globe has led sociology professor Jameson Richards to study the impact on society when, like the Y2K scare, 12/21/12 comes and goes with hardly a wrinkle. This is the date that, according to the Mayan calendar, the doomsayers predict the world will end. Richards teams up with General Michaels, a scientist stationed at the Pentagon whose job it is to monitor the world's fanatics, keeping an eye out for potential terrorists. Together they uncover something sinister going on beneath the surface, linked to billionaire and media mogul Jeremy Maxwell, who also happens to be a huge manufacturer of weapons systems. The 2012 date has captured Maxwell's attention too, and he's looking to cash in on the public's fear and paranoia. And what he instigates--along with his corrupt partners--nearly starts another war in the Middle East, while also bringing the world to its knees economically. It's up to the professor/general team to blow the whistle on Maxwell, hopefully in time to avert a major catastrophe.
My Thoughts:
This was a good suspense book. Brent Michaels is asked to 'consult' with a group in the Pentagon basement. This group is investigating a series of unusual events and Brent is brought in to see if any sense or pattern can be found and the reason behind them. The team is dragged across the globe and it seems the occurances could be being done to cause mass panic...and maybe count down to the end of the world in December 2012??
I'm not really sure how to talk about this book without giving a lot away. There is good suspense with several twists. The characters are realistic and the story line is believeable. There is a romance doomed beacuse of faith or lack thereof. So many elements that the author put together so well! It did start a little slow, but when it picked up, I was hooked!
I rate this a 4/5. It was a good, solid suspense read.
Thank you to Bethanyhouse for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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