Book Description
Worthless is a chained dog who has never lived inside the house. He suffers through cold winters and hot summers only with the help of his two friends Otto and Sly Fox. His friends plot to free him and they set off on an adventure to look for a new life somewhere where there are no chains. They search for days in snow and ice until they find a place on the edge of a pond to hunker down for the winter. But fate intervenes and presents an opportunity for Worthless to finally prove to himself that he is worthy of love and a good home. Will Worthless have the courage to face his fears and become the dog he has always wanted to be?
My Thoughts:
This was an ok kids book. I love the premise that some friends help the chained dog to escape from a life of captivity which is all he has ever known. The characters are cute and I liked the overall story. The problem I had with it was it was a bit too 'preachy'. I understand the author was trying to raise awareness of animal abuse but in doing so (in my opinion) it took away from the story. I'm not saying it shouldn't have been mentioned, but the fact that it was revisited on every page made it a bit much.
I rate this a 3/5. I love the fact it was geared toward awareness of animal cruelty but it didn't well hold my 3 year old's attention nor my older nephews.
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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