An original short story by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sharon Sala links to her full-length contemporary women's fiction novel, The Curl Up and Dye.
The novella centers around the four women who run the Curl Up and Dye hair salon and their relationships with the quirky customers of small-town Blessings, Georgia. Their meddlesome efforts at match-making run awry, but there's always another makeover just around the corner.
My Thoughts:
Loved this book! Everything centers around the Curl Up and Dye salon with Sister Dye, the twins and the manicurist. In Blessings, Georgia everything comes through the salon, including when the preacher's wife runs into his mistress. The fireworks and town changes that come from that one meeting spark a series of events that definitely keep the gossip mills running.
I absolutely adored the ladies at the Curl Up and Dye. The sense of humor throughout the book, even when the events weren't funny, made the book wonderful. The events that happened, are entirely realistic and I could see it happen, but at least there was some revenge. The dynamic in the town was real and I loved when it shifted!
5/5 this novella has a wicked sense of humor!
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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