Following a perilous journey to South America to rescue her kidnapped niece, Sonny Montgomery finally relaxes. But when a rugged bounty hunter named Gil Waite says he's tracking her brother and keeps Sonny from boarding her plane, she has no choice but to accompany him. Is his the heart of a mercenary---or a hero?
My Thoughts:
I liked this book. It was a quick, romantic, slightly suspenseful read. I connected with the main character, Sonny, from the beginning. When the bounty hunter, Gil, who is searching for Sonny's lost brother stops her from boarding the airplane with the baby, I felt her fear, anger and agony. The mention of God is all through the book, and I love how He seems to fit so easily in Sonny's life. Sonny has to make many tough decisions about her niece's well being and how much trust to put in Gil and Mondello uses those to show Sonny's relationship with God. Overall I give it a 3/5, definitely worth the read but wait and buy it used or borrow it.
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