Rose, a healer’s apprentice in the town of Hagenheim, feels drawn to the duke’s older son, Wilhelm, but he is betrothed to a young noblewoman who has been hidden away for years, ever since she was threatened by an “evil conjurer.” Though her attachment to Wilhelm grows, Rose encourages the suit of his younger brother, Rupert, who begins to amend his rakish ways under her virtuous influence. The story’s outcome is never in doubt, but the lovers endure many setbacks before a fortunate circumstance paves the way for the happy ending. Dickerson creates a sympathetic character in Rose, who has her weaknesses as well as considerable strength of will, morality, and faith. Though references to Christianity are woven through the book, many readers will be surprised by the climactic scene, in which Wilhelm heals Rose by casting out demons in the name of Jesus. Young people looking for Christian fiction as well as a historical romance may enjoy this medieval love story.
My Thoughts:
This was an enjoyable book. It is somewhat of a Christian spin off of Sleeping Beauty. Rose is a healer's apprentice and has caught the eye of two brothers. Hamlin is the oldest and in line for the throne, and he fights the attraction because he is already betrothed. Rupert is the rogue brother who Rose tries to convince herself is right for her since he isn't in line for the throne. Since she is a woodcutter's daughter, she should be happy with a marriage above her 'position' but can she be?
I completely adored Rose! She has a wonderful heart and is definitely in a quandary. Hamlin is an upstanding guy and Rupert definitely defines rogue. There is some light mystery, a few twists, but mostly the story is a predictable read. This is marketed as a young adult novel but most adults would enjoy it too. The first three quarters of the book is great but the last quarter threw me a bit.
I rate this a 3/5. I would rate it higher but the ending got to me a bit.
Thank you to Zondervan for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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