As Alex grows more confident in his role as the mage of Artime, he expands his skills and brings his first creature to life with results that are both painful and wonderful. A team from Artime heads out to rescue Sky and Crow's mother from underwater Pirate Island and discovers there are more creatures than they ever imagined in the ocean surrounding the islands and not all of them are friendly.
Meanwhile in Quill, Aaron faces threats to his leadership as Gondoleery hones her rediscovered magical abilities and Eva and Liam form a secret alliance against him. But Aaron's distracted with a discovery of his own, a hidden jungle that holds a dangerous secret. His time there yields a startling truth about himself, and a potential opportunity to increase his power.
My Thoughts:
Still a great series. Alex and his friends set out to save some others. Each have had their own crazy delimas to deal with and that gives them different experiences. Alex, now as head of Artime, has grown to rely more on his friends and advisors to keep him on track. I like how the author has brought in new characters and they've made their own places in the story.
Aaron is still selfcentered and focused on his rule. He doesnt' even suspect that he has such a great enemy who is plotting against him. He is slowly learning about himself and the magic he possess. It both scares and exhilerates him. I am hoping that the magic and his abilities will center him and he will become a better person but I'm not holding my breath. We completely enjoyed the adventures in this story and look forward to more.
It was again a 5/5.
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