"Children of Dreams" is borne out of Lorilyn Roberts' shattered dreams. The inspiring story of turning stolen dreams into life-changing hope not only for her but two destitute children will bring tears to the reader as he identifies with her feelings of insecurity and fear. The timeless theme of God's faithfulness-the stuff out of which God brings redemption-will leave the reader riveted to the pages of this book. "Children of Dreams" is more than an adoption story set in the remotest regions of the planet. Facing insurmountable odds-communist blockades, life-threatening illness, betrayal and deceit-Lorilyn Roberts' courage and determination never to give up will touch the reader. Despair transformed into heavenly joy and evil overcome by God's redemptive love will inspire even the most skeptical to believe in miracles. "Children of Dreams" resonates with Biblical truth at a deep level and in a sense is everyone's story. Timeless in nature, "Children of Dreams" is sure to be a favorite adoption story for years to come. Ms. Roberts is intimately familiar with adoption, having also been adopted as a child, and is able to present the spirit of adoption, as never before captured, in this tender story. Comparing the adoption of her daughters to her adoption by the heavenly Father throughout the story flows naturally.
My Thoughts:
I was very touched by this book. Ms. Roberts takes the reader through the emotional turmoil of wanting a child so badly and having that dream ripped away while her husband moves on with someone else and has his own child to attempting to adopt children and facing insurmountable obstacles. With God's help, she persevered and now has two beautiful daughters but there is an amazing story of how she got from divorcee to mother....and it is a beautiful story! Her comparison to how we are adopted by God is, I believe, original and right on!
Let me start this section by saying, I don't generally read this type of book. I usually stick to fiction, but the description and cover caught my attention. I was immediately taken through a roller coaster of emotions when she described her desire for a baby, her divorce, the hoops she jumped through, her joy of finally getting her babies, her fear for her children's' health and safety, and many many more. She has a unique understanding of how we are adopted by Christ because of her experiences and I think it makes a beautiful book. She doesn't take a 'lofty' approach of I did all this, but says instead that GOD did all this for her and that to me is the most important thing. She adamantly states that she waited on God and that is why everything worked out for her in the end. It wasn't an easy journey for her or her daughters but God brought them together in His time and way.
I rate this book a 5/5. You will laugh, cry and feel an emotional roller coaster while you take the journey with Ms. Roberts!
Thank you to the author for providing a review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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