Jules broke off her wedding to Cruz practically at the altar. Not just once, but twice. Now the man Jules loves best can't stand the sight of her. Only for Pop could Jules have made such a sacrifice. And now Pop is gone, leaving Jules with his struggling Washington State potato farm; with a sister excluded from his will; and with a heart wounded by the sacrifice she has made on behalf of her father. It looks like strengthening her relationship with her sister and improving the prospects of the Blue Bayou farm will be Jules' chief concerns. But when cancer takes the life of her best friend, Jules finds herself caring for her friend's two small children as well as the Blue Bayou. A drought-stricken farm. A promise to a dead friend and two needy little lives. And disturbing memories stirring up a growing relationship with her sister. How can one woman handle it all? The answer lies with a God who holds the keys to yesterday, today, and tomorrow---and to the heart of the one man whom Jules could ever love.
My Thoughts:
This was a good, quick read. Jules is a bit skittish when it comes to commitment, and that is putting it mildly. Her mother left, taking her younger sister when she was young and moved to Florida. She has been engaged and 'almost' married twice....to the same man! Cruz is the neighboring farmer to her Pop's farm and Jules' ex-fiance. When her father dies and leaves the farm for her to run her life gets complicated quickly and she realizes she could only ever love Cruz. The problem is he is done waiting on her, can she and God change his mind?
I thought all the characters in this book were well written. I thought it was good that the strong character, Jules, had several flaws and wasn't perfect. She had to 'win' Cruz back. She also had a lot on her plate with her sister and the two kids. I did love the mental picture I conjured of Cruz from the author's description! I think the message in the book was great as well, everyone has issues, they have to heal, forgive and/or be forgiven, and with God's love and guidance anything is possible.
I give this a 4/5. It is a 'one sitting' read that you will enjoy.
Thank you to Zondervan for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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