Grime cop and teen fairy Pepper Powder lives for one thing: protecting the human species from magical zealots who seek to eradicate them with Violent Illness of Unusual Resistance and Strength (humans call them “viruses,” but their mistake is understandable. The very young often get their words wrong.). When a terrorist leader releases a necrophage bomb, it not only decimates Grime headquarters, it turns Pepper into the magical world’s first fairy amputee—but she’s not going to let a little thing like a missing leg stop her. To catch her criminal, and prevent him from unleashing a VIURS in one of the human world’s biggest shopping centers, West Edmonton Mall, she goes undercover as a human. But once Pepper's theories of humanity collide with the reality of bullies, cliques, and environmental destruction, will she still believe humanity's worth saving?
My Thoughts:
I completely enjoyed this book! Pepper is a Grime officer. She has one goal in her ferry existence, to protect humans. She and her partner go undercover to stop an escaped convict from dooming the human race. They become teenagers in a Canadian high school and learn a lot about human adolescence. Will they be able to stop the attack or just become pawns in a bigger strategy?
I loved Pepper! She is a strong, no nonsense type of girl and very caring at the same time. The fact that they had to integrate into a human high school made a lot of human problems come into a different light. It makes you think about some of the things we just accept and how wrong it would seem to someone unused to it. Her partner, the lab workers, doctor and even her boss were wonderful characters that just added to a great story!
I rate this a 5/5. It is a great and original story!
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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