The hotly anticipated ninth novel in the hugely popular Elemental Assassin series finds Gin Blanco on a dangerous mission to rescue a friend.
When a terror from the past threatens Gin’s friend and body-disposer, Sophia, Gin will stop at nothing to protect her, even if it means walking straight into a killer’s trap. Meanwhile, the rocky romance between Gin and Owen reaches a turning point—can they reunite and rekindle their love? Or will the things Gin has been forced to do in her line of work as the deadly assassin the Spider keep them apart forever? Assuming, that is, she survives long enough to find out…
My Thoughts:
I was ready for another Gin book! She is still a kick but assassin, but now her family is in danger. She has been having people try to kill her and is used to that. You don't mess with her family though. When a cruel man from Sophia's past kidnaps her and wreaks havoc with the rest of her family, Gin will do whatever it takes to get her back and keep the rest of the family intact. Owen's support and seeming change of heart thrills her but it may be too late.
Gin is such an awesome character. Her elemental powers are awesome. The relationship with her 'family' is so strong and you know she will give her life for any of them if necessary. Finn wasn't as central of a character as usual but he did have his usual role as supporter and protector. I was so happy with the change in Owen! He was back to how he used to be and it was awesome. The storyline was great and I really enjoyed all the action.
I rate this a 5/5. This was a great addition to the Spider series!
Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book (via netgalley). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
***This book contains adult themes/language.***
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