Lila always knew that her big eyes made her special, but she never realized how special. She can see her invisible pet dog, Fluffy, who introduces Lila and her family to a kingdom of invisible people. Their lives are changed forever when Lila learns she's a real princess.
My Thoughts:
This was a cute book. Lila has always wanted a dog. There are problems with her having one so she comes up with a brilliant idea...she will have an invisible dog! Fluffy is the perfect compromise. He is an invisible dog who introduces Lila and her family to a whole race of people who are invisible, only to find out that Lila is a princess.
Adorable characters, good plot and original concept. I really enjoyed Lila as did my 5 year old. Everything from the invisible dog to the invisible people kept him intrigued and he wanted more. The author does a good job with imagery, especially to catch the attention of a child.
I rate this a 4/5. For ages 6-12 probably the best and I am looking forward to more from this author.
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book (via PumpUpYourBook). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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