"Reimburse the Universe" takes the reader on a journey that encourages them to recognize the beauty in themselves and the world around them, and how to foster that beauty in their actions in everyday life. Beautifully illustrated by Jaded Dragon Studios (http://www.jadeddragon.ca), Lisa McDonald's second book is guaranteed to bring a smile to your children while imparting an important lesson: we must give back in order to appreciate what we've been given.
My Thoughts:
This is a cute little book. Reimburse the Universe is a book that encourages kids to realize what the universe is giving to them and how. It also shows the children that they have all this inside them and to share it with people. I love the moral of the story at the end and once again how the author ends the book. My 5 year old loved the bright colors in the pictures and followed the story the whole way through.
It is a 4/5 for us. I liked how engaging the story was.
Thank you to the author for the review copy of this book (via PUYB). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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