didn’t sign up to be a comic book hero.
So why did I suddenly find the fate of all of these fae in my hands? Yes, I rescued them. But didn’t a girl get a break when her heart was freshly broken? If the Boogeyman was sent to hunt you down, it turned out the answer to that was a big fat no.
I’d be damned if Mother was going to keep me at Knockany though. She couldn’t keep me here if I got rid of my wings. So that’s what I’d set out to do. I was just lucky enough that Anthony could help me. Because how else was I going to find werewolves’ blood, dragon scales, and a whole slew of other ingredients like that on my own? The problem is love can slip in among the chaos. Plus you never know who you can trust. And it isn’t long before I realize that turning your back on destiny is a dangerous game.
Read what’s being called "Great for True Blood fans!" and "This author rates right up there with Laurell K Hamilton, Charlene Harris (True Blood)."
My Thoughts:
I was excited when I won a copy of this book. It picks right up where the first one leaves off and Cy is once again stuck being the reluctant hero. I was happy to be back in this world and with Cy. I did miss the little pixie and her sassy character but maybe she will be more present in the next book. Anyway, Cy is taking those she rescued home and trying to avoid getting caught up in a world she wants nothing to do with.
I felt bad that she can't trust really anyone and their intentions. She wants to get out of Knockany and back to her life but having wings has complicated everything. If she could only figure out how to get rid of them without making herself disappear, everything would be perfect. Anthony, now he is a character I really like! He is protective, kind, with a jealous streak a mile wide! I'm intrigued by her connection that she tries to ignore and so curious how the author is going to handle that in future books. The set up for the next book is there and I cannot wait to see what happens.
It was a 5/5 for me. You need to read book 1 so you know exactly what is going on but once you do, you will be hooked!
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