Chelsea Welling is a completely normal fifteen year old girl… well normal except for the pesky fact that she thinks she is going crazy. Either that or she really is being transported to a magical world known locally as Amar. However when Chelsea is transported to Amar with her friend Easton, she knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that these little trips are more than figments of her imagination. Then the unthinkable happens. Chelsea, Easton, Chelsea's brother Clint, and their mutual friend Bobby are all stranded in Amar. They cannot return to Earth until they finish a dangerous quest that their fathers set out on over twenty years ago.
Chelsea is in for one trying week as she flees from werewolves, faces down faeries, and fits into fancy dresses- all while she struggles alongside her friends to fulfill the all-but-impossible tasks of finding out what the quest their fathers set out on was, and succeeding where their fathers failed.
My Thoughts:
This is a good children's/YA book. Chelsea is being sucked into a different world. She thinks maybe she is going crazy but then finds that she isn't the only one this is happening to. The world jumping (or whatever it should be called) is interesting by itself but when they are sent back, where they wind up is an adventure itself. When more than one of them is pulled through at a time, things get more interesting and then they finally figure out why it is happening and what they need to do to go home (sort of).
I liked Chelsea. She might be annoyed by some of the crazy things that are happening but she keeps her head. Also her relationship with her brother made me smile. I wasn't certain what the author was setting up and I did wonder in the beginning but once things started really happening, it was an intriguing read. I would say young teen or perhaps pre-teen for this book but personally I enjoyed it as well.
I would rate it a 3/5 but I absolutely want to see more from this author!
Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book (via CelebrateLit). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
Thank you so much for featuring my book on your blog and for the review. I'm glad that you found my story interesting.