Ruby McCoy is haunted by her father's sins....When Ruby McCoy arrives in Fairplay, her ornate carriage is followed by an entourage who heft steamer trunks, hatboxes, and traveling bags into the hotel?where she has booked the entire second floor. Upon her notorious gangster father's death, the now-wealthy Ruby, hiding under her mother's maiden name, set out to right her father's wrongs. Ruby is determined to spend every penny of the inherited "blood money" on those who paid the price for her father's crimes.Sheriff Rex Truett doesn't trust Ruby and doesn't care who knows it. The keeper of Fairplay's law and order makes it his business to find out why a stranger; especially a beautiful, spoiled, rich, female stranger; would set up businesses, donate to schools, hire workmen to rebuild houses, and provide access to the best medical care. But when a typhoid epidemic sweeps through the city, he is forced to reconsider. Will Rex blame Ruby for her father's sins? Or will he accept the possibility that she is trying to create; and feel; the peace her father stole?
My Thoughts:
This book pulled me in from the start. Ruby was a genuinely good person. She thought she was doing good deeds because her father was so bad and was making up for it, but in reality, she was just that good of a person. Rex's father was one of the victims of Ruby's father. He is the town sheriff of Fairplay, and is wary when Ruby shows up to town.
Ruby isn't perfect but neither is Rex. He thinks she is bad business, just like her father until the town is hit by an epidemic and she jumps right in. The author does a good job with making the characters, all of them, believable and the story one that you won't want to put down. I felt bad for Ruby constantly trying to make up for something that wasn't her fault, but that does happen to a lot of people in life.
It was a 4/5 for me. I completely enjoyed this book.
Thank you to the author/publisher for the review copy of this book (via Celebrate Lit). I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
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