Monday, October 25, 2010

Guest Blogger Scott Nicholson author of Disintegration!!

The Women in My Life
By Scott Nicholson

I’ve been very lucky to have wonderful, strong women in my life, ones who don’t tolerate B.S. and who lead heart-centered, emotional lives.

In honor of them, I am donating all author proceeds for October Girls this week (Oct. 25-Oct. 31) to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. I have a modest goal of $100. Of course, you are also invited to donate directly at the BRCF website.

My mother is a living example of persistence. She is not only a breast cancer survivor, she is a survivor in general. Overcoming extreme poverty as a child, she has since earned three college degrees, which isn’t that unusual except she got a couple of them after she was dead. A horrible car accident crushed her larynx, left her clinically dead for several minutes, and spawned dozens of surgeries. She has had a tracheotomy in her throat for 30 years.

Never one to sit around feeling sorry for herself, she finished her job of raising five boys, works as a physical therapist even though fibromyalgia and arthritis puts her in worse condition than many of her patients, and regularly flies around the country on church relief trips to help people whom she believes are worse off than she is. With that example, you can see why I never let a measly 800 rejection slips stop me from being a writer. I love you, Momma.

My wife Lexie is an angel. The Left-Handed Puppeteer just waltzed into my life while I was still trying on wings, coming on with such no-nonsense sincerity that I never had much opportunity to doubt the greater forces bringing us together. We fell in love on New Year’s Eve, and since then, every moment has felt like a new day, a new year, a new forever, and each kiss feels like a miracle that’s a fresh invention of God.

She’s a community artist, organizing parades and puppet shows that spread positive messages, and she’s sweet, spiritual, tireless, and loyal. She’s also intelligent and supports our desire to live outside the stream, to pursue self-reliance and sustainable living with our garden and animals, and together we generally try to bring more good than harm to the world. I love you, Lexie.

My daughter, Goldbug, is a beautiful, inspiring creature of light. She has a fierce sense of justice and is fiercely intelligent, a 99th percentile reader who always has five open books lying around. Now in the fifth grade, she is already a published writer and her photographs have been credited in the local newspaper. With her astonishing memory, she can recall almost every detail of her life and its events, but she’s also funny and playful despite all that rich experience.

I hope October Girls tells her a little bit about the world, and that life sometimes is tragic but also beautiful. I aspire to be the type of man I’d want her to seek out as she grows older, for when I’m not around. I ask God for patience, kindness, courage, generosity, and strength, so I might fulfill my joyful task of raising her and guiding her as she deserves. And I am the luckiest man on this planet. I love you, Goldbug.

To all the women of the world, all mothers and sisters and daughters, thank you.
My new crime thriller Disintegration launches on Nov. 1 for 99 cents! With your help, it has a good chance to hit the Top 100 and double your chances of winning a Kindle. If you want a free advance copy and agree to review it by Nov. 1, please email me at hauntedcomputer AT

Scott Nicholson is author of 12 novels, including the thrillers Speed Dating with the Dead, Drummer Boy, Forever Never Ends, The Skull Ring, As I Die Lying, Burial to Follow ,and They Hunger. His revised novels for the U.K. Kindle are Creative Spirit, Troubled, and Solom. He’s also written four comic series, six screenplays, and more than 60 short stories. His story collections include Ashes, The First, Murdermouth: Zombie Bits, and Flowers.

To be eligible for the Kindle DX, simply post a comment below with contact info. Feel free to debate and discuss the topic, but you will only be entered once per blog. Visit all the blogs on the tour and increase your odds. I’m also giving away a Kindle 3 through the tour newsletter and a Pandora’s Box of free e-books to a follower of “hauntedcomputer” on Twitter. Thanks for playing. Complete details at


  1. "My daughter, Goldbug, is a beautiful, inspiring creature of light"

    what a wonderful thing to say about your daughter :) I feel the same way about mine.

  2. Hey, I'm 1st!
    Scott, you have a wonderful family.
    Please count me in for the Kindle.
    I'm about to start on 'Disintegration'...

  3. Hey! I love how you build up each of the most important women in your life!


  4. I love these posts. My contact info:

  5. I'm beginning to really get to know you Scott. You're my first real author friend. . . ok . . . my only friend. :-)

  6. Thank you for donating all author proceeds for October Girls during the week of Oct. 25-Oct. 31 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! My mother was a survivor of breast cancer - sadly we lost her to another cancer in 1985.


  7. All I can say is awesome post, Scott.


  8. As I mentioned on your other post a few minutes ago, my best friend is a breast cancer survivor.

    I think the things you said about the women in your life shows what an awesome guy you are. I'm learning more and more about you as the blog tour progresses. You have so many layers!

    I've read several of your books (I'm reading The Drummer Boy right now) and as soon as Disintegration comes out, I'm buying it. I love crime thrillers. I don't want a free review copy because I want to help boost your ranking with a sale. :0)

  9. awesome!


  10. Really lovely post about your family!


  11. What an inspiring post and thanks for the contribution to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation! My sister was a survivor for many years but eventually died of the disease.

  12. What a great tribute to the women in your life!

    dulcibelle [at] earthlink [dot] net

  13. love that line, "heart-centered, emotional lives". I too am blessed with amazing women in my life.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  14. Wonderful post. Thank you from the women I know.


  15. I lost my best friend 3 years ago to breast cancer. She was 37. Thank you for raising awareness, and for appreciating the women in your life.

  16. Aw. Downright touching, this time around. Good on ya, Scott.


  17. What beautiful tributes to the women in your life!

    My Mom hasn't had to struggle with breast cancer, Thank God, but she has had several complex surgeries to replace ruptured discs in her spine. The recoveries were difficult and didn't give her 100% relief so she still struggles with pain every day.

    My parents stay very active and involved in our lives, I love them dearly.

    I can't wait to read Disintegration. I'm waiting to purchase it on the 1st in order to help bump it to the top.


  18. Sounds like you are surrounded by some fantastic woman. Kudos to you for sharing.

    calseeor (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. Great post
    teawench at gmail dot com


    sailorwind at gmail dot com

  21. Scott, such beautiful words about the women in your life! How fabulous that your daughter is such an avid reader. And photographer, too! Photography and reading are two of my own passions, as well. May God bless your whole family, Scott.

  22. Thanks for the chance to win.

    kt1969 at comcast dot net

  23. Great post!

    monacart32 at hotmail dot com

  24. Scott wrote: "She is already a published writer and her photographs have been credited in the local newspaper."

    Aha! You? An author? I always suspected there was something fishy going on and now I know the truth. All of your books/screenplays/newspaper articles/comics/etc. were written by your now-5th grader "daughter!" You keep her chained in the basement, pounding out product, right next to the pit you keep your "wife" in. SHOCKING! The poor child!

    Speaking of "wonderful, strong women," I know you were planning on becoming one yourself. Is that still in the cards? I dug the artistic rendition of you as a "wonderful, strong woman" (not to mention "stylish", "sexy" and "eye-catching"). But keep the beard. It adds an air of mystery and sophistication about you that most weomen lack. Also, it makes you look smarter somehow--as if you really COULD write novels and things.

    Good luck, you sassy beast!


  25. Great post!
    chey127 at hotmil dot com

  26. Enter me please.
    bkhabel at gmail dot com

  27. Great post!

  28. Women/girls, we'd be lost without them in our lives.

  29. Enter me please!


    Ashley's Bookshelf

  30. Great post!


  31. I'd love to win!

  32. Wow!! Great post! Sounds like you're surrounded with some really great women. :)
    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  33. Your mom is a great woman!

  34. Wow Scott! It's so awesome of you to donate to the cause! My mom and my oldest sister have had breast cancer and it's been really hard. It always makes me so happy when I hear about people helping the cause! It also sounds like you have a beautiful family and they are very luck to have you!

  35. Ahh. You didn't stand a chance against that kind of sincerity. Makes me happy you're so blessed. My hubby said he wanted to marry on New Years Eve so we could always celebrate and look forward to another new year together. It's a wonderful way to celebrate. I'm thoroughly enjoying reading The Home and am definitely on board to buy Disintegration on November 1st! varbonoff22 at cox dot net

  36. what a lovely post today. you certainly have some fantastic women in your life.


  37. You forgot "Behehehehetty," that sweet little pygmy goat down the road.

    Scott, too!

  38. That was beautiful... your family is very lucky to know how very much you appreciate them.

  39. Great tribute. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    dlodden at frontiernet dot net

  40. Lovely post. :)

    conrad.jd (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. Sounds like you have wonderful women in your life!

    kissinoak at frontier dot com

  42. Your mom sounds like a wonderful woman.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  43. Okay, I'm wiping away the tears now. This was my favorite post of all and really inspiring. A man is only as great as the women around him and it seems your set.
    hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

  44. What a great and heart-warming post. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  45. Thanks for telling us about the special women in your life, Scott.

  46. Ah, thanks, everyone. Take the time to say to the people in your life today, "I love you." We take it for granted sometimes.


  47. I would LOVE a Kindle DX. Thanks for the opportunity to win one! :)

    P.S. Click on my name for my contact info. ;)

  48. A nice blog Scott, so you do have a sensitive side. :)

    Kevin Bozard

  49. Beautiful! I envy the authors of this world, to be able to express love in mere words. You make me want to know these women better. I am grateful for the women in my life and know that I am truly blessed.

    You proposed on New Year's Day. Though I am not a fan of Horror, I proposed to my wife on Halloween. Perhaps I wanted her to be prepared to be really scared.

    Thank you Ashley for hosting Scott's tour again.

    Jeff White

  50. sounds like you have some wonderful women in your life! =)

    hancoci_s at msn dot com

  51. I think it takes strong women to survive relationships with us (men in general), because we are such jerks.

  52. Enter me please.
    cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

  53. Loved reading this post. Thank you and please enter me to win ....Tiffypoot @ (

  54. Great blog!

  55. It's nice of you to make a post about the women in your life. It's nice to learn a bit about them as well : )

    candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

  56. My wife is my anchor to sanity, keeping me grounded at the most necessary times but still allowing my imagination to flourish in my writing. Many of my relatives have fought off breast cancer and won, leaving me envious of their zeal for life, my grandmother in particular. Keep up the good work.

    Wakincade AT gmail DOT com

  57. my mom's mom once warned her again a young man she was falling in love with because she said he did not love his mother. life has shown me the truth of her advice. my older sister died from breast cancer but our scottish friend, Dave,is still living and loving his wife and daughters. give your mom a hug.

  58. Strong women are truly wonderful gifts from God and Scott you have your share.


  59. The best post yet.
    Gail in Florida
    cowgirl3000 AT gmail DOT com

  60. I see that the women in your life are special which makes you special. It's nice to see a man who thinks his family is wonderful.
    I am still following you and my name is on one of the

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  61. Love this post! Cheers to all strong women! :)
    You can reach me at

  62. I'm glad you have such great women in your life.

  63. All I can say is...AWWWW! What a sweet-sounding family. (All except for that kooky ghost-hunting father/husband.)

    Twitter: MachineTrooper

  64. I wish all men felt the same about the women in their lives.

  65. thanks for your support, everyone, there's also a partnering fundraiser effort by the local High Country Mom Squad. Looks like we should hit the $100 goal!

    @hank I couldn't be half as goofy if I didn't have people who want me to be myself

    @misskallie I've figured out what's important--all the noise comes and goes but it's the magic in life that doesn't fade. These are people that I am always glad to see and always make me smile

    Scott Nicholson

  66. Almost missed this entry. Bravo post.
    dorcontest at gmail dot com
    I think I'm going to have a Scott library.

  67. Lovely post of the women in your life Scott! Awesome, great dedication to them.

    Hope that Disintegration will be in the Top #100!

    purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

  68. Aww, this has to be my my favorite post. What wonderful things said about the women in your life. :)

  69. @Doreen please help spread the word on Nov1--that does way more than I could ever do. You guys reach people I don't know and if it spreads, it's pretty ease to catch fire. I'm sure grateful for it.

    Good luck, Emily, Dor, and Stephanie


  70. I hope that you reach your goal on this one, Scott. Goldbug...really cute name.

    jamesemr (at) gmail (dot) com

  71. Hi! Please enter me in the contest!

  72. Great post Scott! I have been following the hop and have been reading as many of the posts as I could.

    baychriz at gmail dot com

  73. October Girls looks great - wonderful post!

  74. Wonderful post, Scott!

    dreamer dot ima at gmail dot com


    sailorwind at gmail dot com

  76. Your entire family sounds amazing Scott - lots to inspire anyone there.

  77. Well my lovely daughters are out trick-or-treating right now, leaving me free to catch up on posting.

    Scott, that was a beautiful post. You are clearly a wise man to show such appreciation for the women in your life!

    --Maria Romana

  78. super-great post ---- you're making all the women's hearts here go pitter-pat-pitter-pat sighhhhhh
    bmcbroom at gmail dot com

  79. People often don't realize how strong they are and can be until they are put to the test. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com

  80. As a husband and father, I get where you're coming from, Scott.

    alipkin (at) gmail (dot) com

  81. I have a beautiful wife who I love and adore. She lives with pain and frustrating physical limitations every day that make me in awe of her.

    She also gave me a daughter who loves reading, drawing and dinosaurs.

    She once watched Jurassic Park, without my permission, and screamed with glee as the T-Rex burst in as the end. "I knew he'd save the day!" She said. She had no nightmares and ever since we nicknamed her 'Raptor Girl.

    Of course I let he watch an educational show on the Nature Channel and she freaked out when it talked about spiders. I had a week of her crawling into our bed in the middle of the night. Thankfully, that passed.

    I'm sorry I bought The October Girls earlier . . . I mean, I'm not sorry that I bought the e-book, I'm just sorry that I jumped the gun.

    Thanks for the chance to win,
    Greg "The Undead Rat" Fisher

    theundeadrat (@) gmail (.) com

  82. Nice blog post!

    ajun666 at gmail dot com

  83. EWntries here capped at 87--and in case you hadn't heard, there are now TWO kindles to be given away through the blogs. Thanks for your support! Keep following, and thank you for hosting, Ashley.

    I'll be doing the accounting for October Girls fundraiser soon. We didn't knock it out of the park but I'm going to make it an annual event. Thanks!

    Scott Nicholson

  84. Awesome, Scott. Glad you have such amazing women in your life.

    God bless, my friend.

    Coscomentertainment [at] gmail [dot] com

    POSSESSION OF THE DEAD and ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT (and others) for just TWO BUCKS at the Amazon Kindle store. Grab your copies here!

  85. are truly blessed with many wonderful women in your life. Remember: Behind every great man there are usually multiple great women!
    You are a good example of just this saying.



  87. That's a Very nice Looking family You have there.
    I'm Glad You Respect the woman in your family.
